Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pet Peeve #2

'That's how they've/we've always done it.'

Nothing is as frustrating as when this is the excuse for something that makes no sense or doesn't help or isn't the best way to do something.

I work in a family oriented company that was cutting edge when we started nearly 40 years ago and has difficulty keeping up with the times (especially when it comes to internal processes and the 'good old boy' mentality) and I hear it all of the time. I have spent countless hours convincing people that just becuase it was done this way in the 70's doesn't mean it is still the best (or most efficient, or regulatory compliant) way to do something.

Today I heard it in my personal life and it makes me just as crazy. Unfortunately it was tied into something that will never change - funerals. Religion has too much sway there and there is no hope of me getting that changed.

Either way, work or personal, it seems like more of an excuse to resist change than it does people actually thinking things through for themselves.

Just makes me bonkers.

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