Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Buzzword Bingo

My area of the company is reorganizing.  I work for a company that has always prided themselves on no bullshit and hard work.  That seems to be slipping. 

We bought another company and my company is so worried about hurting the feelings of the people that we bought they are alienating the good people they already had.

They are bringing over people from that other company that are buzzword professionals. I hate buzzwords.  They are usually accompanied with by someone speaking to someone else like they are an idiot.

My least favorite word in the English language:  SYNERGY

Rapidly closing in on second place:           GOVERNANCE

My faith in my company, and most of humanity, is decaying each time I hear those words.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I hope we've gotten all of the 'bad' that is doing to happen out of our system in the first four months of this year.  So far... 2013 can suck a big hairy donkey dick. 

For the next eight months I'd like my family to be healthy, our jobs to be stable, and (if possible) a lotto win. 

Here's hopin.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Just say no...

to crocs.

I've mentioned this before
Crocs = how to never have someone touch you nekkid

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Previously I had mentioned that we were going to start trying for baby #2.  Well... that was derailed and then put on pause by the manfolk's dying and being revived and then being stuck in a hospital.  

Now that he has had three months worth of follow-ups and things seem to be back on track (if he doesn't get selfish and start back to his old ways) we are going to start again. 

We had a lot more sex before this whole thing went down so we will see how it goes.  He has recently had to come to grips with the fact that he is human and not 18 anymore and it has taken a toll on his libido. 

His doc was impressed when he went in after he got out of the hospital and told him that the day before he went in we had had sex three times.  Not bad for a 40 year old married dude. 

But it hasn't been that way since and I miss it. 

A man wanting a woman makes the woman feel sexy. When that goes away (especially when we used to have it all of the time) it is damaging to the ego. 

But what do you do?  Pressure the guy?  Not so much. 

So I wait patiently-ish and hope it comes back. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013


This having to reset the formatting every time I come back to write (which I admit isn't as often as it should be) kinda pisses me off.