Friday, March 26, 2010


I've been in a drugged up semi-coma since Monday when I had my tonsils out. It is miserable. I figured it would be a few days of strep-like pain and then I would be fine, but this is a whole new level of miserable. Day 5 and only brief glimpses of feeling better (usually drug induced).

One of my good friends sent me a magic bear and balloons to help. That just warms your heart I don't care who you are.

This whole shenanigan makes me realize how lucky I am to have the man that I have in my life. He has been by my side constantly (until I pretty much forced him to go out for a drink last night with his roommate) and waiting on me hand and foot. I have been thanking him and posting my praises on facebook and twitter - but it just isn't enough. If you know of a way for me to explain to him how much this means to me please let me know.

I had no way of knowing that I would ever find a man that would go to such legnths for me. I am amazed more and more each day and I love him more and more each day. This was the very last thing that I expected to come out of surgery and bed rest.

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