Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I have some good friends who lately have been in kind of a funk. 'Nothing' is going right, everything is terrible and someone is always out to get them. It can be exhausting to listen to. I love them, but one can only listen to so much misery. I do my darnedest (usually when I'm tiring of hearing all of the negative stuff) to remind them they have a job (if you don't like it then find something else), a wife (if you don't like it than find someone else), a roof over their head, their health (not dying of some disease? everything you have is fixable? that's what I'm saying), healthy kids, etc. Somehow they don't want to hear about the good.

The good should be what you live for and I fear some people are missing that.

Reality checks in the form of other people's anguish are a sad way to remind yourself of how lucky you are. Just enjoy your life each day - how hard is that?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gobble Gobble

We fully plan on eating our way through the weekend.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


My favorite bit of daily entertainment, BatShitCrazy, has quit Facebook. She has said it before and only been gone hours or, at the most, two days. We are going on a week and a half and I am going through withdrawals.

Perhaps I need to start a "Bring Back BatShitCrazy" campaign

Monday, November 21, 2011

Daily News

Got to work to the news that the ex is pregnant (well, his wife is) with twins. I know they really wanted it (they rushed their wedding for it and they had to go through fertility treatments to get there) so I guess I should be excited for him, but I'm really just *blah* about the whole thing. I can't decide if I should care more than I do.

The only thing that strikes me (and I think it is really out of spite for the whole annulment because I didn't want to have kids with him thing) is that it would have been a little self satisfying to get knocked up first. I know, it's petty, but - it is what it is. Other than that - Am I heartless for not really caring?

It all boils down to... I really made a good decision when I changed my life.

Oh and... the annulment still isn't final.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Big Day

My littlest brother is getting married right now to a WONDERFUL girl.

CONGRATS!! You finally found someone (even though it was the last thing you were looking for) that has made you whole. I would normally say that that is incredibly cheese-ball, but in your case it is true.

I snapped this shot during my new Sister-in-Law's bridal portraits a few weeks ago and haven't been able to share until now.

If you couldn't tell I'm super excited.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


The littlest brother is getting married Saturday.

Crazy. It is like we are all grown up or something.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Home on the range

Well, the apartment complex wanted to pricejack our rent $200 a month so we've decided to buy a house. I'm excited, but nervous. I know how much work one can be and I'm hesitant to be house poor - but it is really needed and will be a lot of fun (once we find it).

I have friends who love looking for houses. I hate it. Just want one to pop up and be perfect and sign the papers.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A snippit...

I've admitted before that I don't watch the news, that doesn't mean that there isn't the occasional gem.

A friend sent this to me this weekend. After the earthquake in Oklahoma they must have been interviewing the finest folks in the biggest trailer park in Oklahoma.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Gods

So my brother and his fiance moved in this weekend. Their lease is up and the new one doesn't start until the first week of December.
They are staying with us for a couple weeks, getting married and going on their honeymoon, then will be back to pack up and move on.

It's been an interesting change. Four adults, two big dogs (mine) and a brand new puppy (theirs). So far so good - consistent housebreaking of the puppy seems to be the only rough spot so far.

Anyway, the reason I'm giving you the back story -- my brother knows that we are trying to make a baby, so he promptly placed his fertility statue (see picture) in our room. He has a little shield that you put over his junk when you don't want to be fertile, as you can see the shield has been removed. We shall see what happens, it is supposed to be foolproof.

I think he needs a name.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

October Resolution Update

Well... once again a whole lot of crazy with little new to show.

We participated in a lot of charity events - first time with the Alzheimer's Association and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for the softball tournament.


I can't really think of much else. I suck.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Pet Peeve #12

How is it that so many times you walk into the WOMEN'S restroom and someone has peed on the seat. Are you kidding me? I can kind of see it in a guys restroom, there is a fundamental element of aim in the process. But for women - REALLY? If you choose to hover, learn the skill. And if you do screw up for some reason - wipe up after yourself. It's not that difficult.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Elements of a good morning...

Good mornings start with:

1. Lovin
2. Putting on jeans for work
3. First Starbucks Red Cup of the season (purchased with a gift card so there is no $$ out of my pocket).

Today has been a good morning.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Top Five Christmas Movies

Top 5 in order of peak enjoyment...

Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation
Muppet Christmas Carol
Miracle on 34th Street
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
It's a Wonderful Life

Other good ones...
The Nightmare Before Christmas (always have to watch that one on Halloween)
Christmas Story
Frosty the Snowman (the original)
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (the claymation original with Burl Ives)