Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I have some good friends who lately have been in kind of a funk. 'Nothing' is going right, everything is terrible and someone is always out to get them. It can be exhausting to listen to. I love them, but one can only listen to so much misery. I do my darnedest (usually when I'm tiring of hearing all of the negative stuff) to remind them they have a job (if you don't like it then find something else), a wife (if you don't like it than find someone else), a roof over their head, their health (not dying of some disease? everything you have is fixable? that's what I'm saying), healthy kids, etc. Somehow they don't want to hear about the good.

The good should be what you live for and I fear some people are missing that.

Reality checks in the form of other people's anguish are a sad way to remind yourself of how lucky you are. Just enjoy your life each day - how hard is that?

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