Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sharing is caring

Apparently I don't share enough because someone asked me if I would try out formspring where people can ask anything they want. So...

Click here and ask me anything

We shall see if anyone does or what will happen.

Friday, July 29, 2011

My Training Roommate

So I mentioned a couple of times this year that I was in training. It was three, one week sessions of the same class. They held he here in north Texas, but even if you were local you had to stay in the hotel (nice place) and they assigned you a roommate which remained constant through all three weeks.

My roommate was from the east coast and was very sweet. She just had some quirks about the hotel room and germs.

The first night I walk in (a little late and a little inebriated) and meet her. The first thing that catches my eye is the TV remote (see inset picture - yes I had to take a picture so people would believe me). She bagged it. I couldn't help but ask about it and was advised that dateline did an expose on hotels and this was the safest way to handle remote germs.

Ok. She also had her own towel and always wore shoes - but I guess a lot of people do that. Twice she fell asleep with the remote on/under her and I had to wait until she rolled over hours later to fish it out. I don't sleep much anyway (usually between 2 and 6 am are my prime sleep hours) and this didn't help.

The best part was, each time before we left the room she would hide her towel and the remote - so the maid didn't think she was crazy.

I on the other hand...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Me and the Catholic Church

So, I'm a divorced enemy of the Catholic church.

I mentioned before that the ex is Catholic (I was raised Presbyterian). The entire time we were together the only reason we went to a church was a wedding or a funeral. Needless to say weren't really practicing any sort of religion.

So after I left, he found his future wife and went back to the Catholic church. Hard core. So much so that he thought that it would be a good idea to get our marriage annulled.

Yes. Annulled after eight years of marriage. I believe the basis of his argument for it is that I didn't want to have children with him. He came to me a few months after the divorce was final and asked if I wouldn't fight it because it was really important to him -- I was pretty much floored by the whole turn of events. Considering that he hated the Catholic church for so long (he's pretty liberal and their anti-homosexual rants and tendency to tolerate the molestation of children got him fired up) it was a remarkable turn of events. I think I even have a picture of him humping an underwater Jesus in Mexico at some point.

Turns out it was important to his new woman - but not so important to delay their wedding plans when they found out it would take over a year to process. He got hitched less than a year after our divorce was final and plans on getting a 'blessing' whenever the church gets around to granting the annulment.

I certainly didn't fight it (takes a lot of energy and if he pays them enough he will get it either way). I don't really care and I just don't get it. If it makes him happy then so be it.

The reason this rant comes up is that I received a bit of mail that the annulment was still pending, but they had finished doing research.

Maybe God has a sense of humor and they will drag it out a few more years.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Live and Let Live

"It's astonishing how much energy some people waste worrying that someone else might be enjoying life in ways that they don't approve of."

Saw this on a fellow blogger site and couldn't resist reposting.

I'm not great with words so I love finding quotes that say what I want to say better than I can.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mission #5 Update

I suck.

Didn't lose anymore weight. Didn't finish my 100 miles (got frustrated when I lost a quarter of my data to the Nike gods and dog drool).

So... I've been pretty happy with everything (including myself) and wasn't let down until I had to type this.



This could be dangerous, now I can text blog posts from my phone...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

June Resolution Update

A little late but I've been a tad busy...

Firsts during the month of June...

My little brother got engaged! Planning on that being a first and only, his girl is awesome. Their wedding is already planned for November. I finally have time to get excited.

Graduated my training class series.

Introduced the manfolk to the book club (big deal).

Got bailed on by my wedding coordinator (who, even though I text nicely "thanks for all of your help, headed to Mexico and wish you were too" before I left town hasn't said a word to us in the last few weeks).

And that's about it.

July's will be much easier for me... And substantially more exciting.

Friday, July 22, 2011

And no....

Just because I'm talking about babies doesn't mean I am either 1. already pregnant or 2. we are trying right away.

Now where is my bottle of wine?

Babies in the making

Came home from one peice of sad news. A friend of mine (who is also in our bookclub) lost her baby girl at 16 weeks of pregnancy.

It's kinda scary. I never thought much about it, but now that my close friends are having kids (quite a few of us waited to have them until post 30) and I see what some are going through to concieve it is a little intimidating.

The manfolk and I have talked about trying soon (he's seven years older than I am and I'm not really a spring chicken as far as uterus' go) and then keep saying maybe after _________________ (fill in the blank - he gets a steady job, we get a house, etc.)

Have you seen the movie Idiocracy? It's a pretty wacky movie about the gradual dumbing down of society, but the first five minutes make me think about quite a few folks that I know. It shows the classic stereotype of a trailer trash situation where they have no money or brains but breed like rabbits. On the converse you have the 30 something college educated folks who basically waited until they felt that the time was 'right' to have kids, when actually their time had passed and they are unable.

Who knows when the time is 'right'?

I don't want to be that couple.

If we have the opportunity to bring some well loved kids into the world I know we will make them great - even if we aren't in the same 'place' material-wise (money, house, etc.) that others feel we should be at this time in our lives.

We are happy - I believe that counts for a lot. I love our little life and know that whatever happens kids would just add to it.

For the first time ever I think I could get through anything with someone and I would like to share that.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Home sweet work?

I can't even begin to explain how difficult it was to leave my chaise lounge by the pool and pack yesterday afternoon. Ugh.

The wedding festivities went great -- I had a few moments of being overwhelmed when the last big group of folks arrived from the airport Friday and I still didn't have a photographer. Oh and when we were on the pirate ship and the now-brother-in-law got drunk and decided to climb the rigging -- but other than that it was fantastic.

The resort was great, the staff there was wonderful (with the exception of one crappy bartender), the wedding was just what we wanted and perfect for us. Simple, sandy and surrounded by friends and family. Who would have thought more than 40 people would fly to another country to see us get hitched? We are extremely loved and very lucky.

So i sit at work, wading through the 2000+ emails that were waiting for me and have just a big fat smile on my face. I miss the beach, the time with friends and my 10am pina colada - but have a pile of memories that make me laugh as we start up our new life together.

It's good to be happy and well loved.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I set this up to post at 'go time'.


Never thought I would say that again and never thought I could ever be this happy. We don't have much in the way of material stuff (except for some pretty cool wedding gifts that we've gotten) but we are the happiest and most real couple that I know.

Right now my toes are in the sand and I am committing myself to the manfolk for the rest of his life (statistically speaking).

Monday, July 11, 2011


I seriously have none. 36 or so hours until I'm on a plane out of here. Still have a bunch of little stuff to take care of and need to pack (oh yeah that). In the meantime I'm working up until the last minute because I don't want to use all of my vacation for the year. After the wedding I'll only have a few cherished days left to make it to next January.

So you get a picture instead of a blog post with any real content to it.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Shuttle Finale

STS 135 is scheduled to depart earth today. The last shuttle mission.

And the government doesn't seem to have a fully executable system to replace it (or support the International Space Station).

30 years of history. The program is nearly as old as I am. When we went to visit NASA in May it was extremely humbling and enlightening to see all that the shuttle program has brought to the United States (and I'm not just talking about freeze dried ice cream)and the world. Challenger... Columbia... still remember where I was and the impact of those tragedies (part of why flight safety has interested me since I was a tot). Space flight and the moon landing, through disaster and good times, have repeatedly brought the country together.

During our visit we talked to the folks that have dedicated their lives to this program -- they are devastated, but were still completely focused on the mission. STS 134 was up at that time and we saw them doing final training for STS 135 -- its just a wonder what will happen to the thousands that work on this program (laid off) and the resources that have been put into it. Just the training facilities and manpower alone are astounding.

What can I say... I'll watch, and cheer and hope above all that we don't give up on space exploration and all of the passion, wonder and possibilities that it brings.

Cheers to the end of an era and those who have made it possible.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Shoepolish and the dead

I have mentioned previously how I feel about ceremonies surrounding death. Like I said - throw me a big party.

For the love of everything holy, whatever you do, do NOT shoe polish my name and RIP on the back of your car. What kind of memorial is that?? Rear car windows are now to be known as graffiti places for: Billy Joe's sweet 16, raunchy messages on someone's wedding get away car, and a memorial statement (Tater Smith 1934-2011).

Saw one on the back of a car on the way to work today and wanted to pull over and ask the driver if that is how he would want to be remembered - his name and dates shoe polished on the back of someone's 1989 faded red Honda.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Because I don't have time...

to blog anything else at the moment. Please to enjoy Redneck Paintball Duckhunt.