Friday, July 29, 2011

My Training Roommate

So I mentioned a couple of times this year that I was in training. It was three, one week sessions of the same class. They held he here in north Texas, but even if you were local you had to stay in the hotel (nice place) and they assigned you a roommate which remained constant through all three weeks.

My roommate was from the east coast and was very sweet. She just had some quirks about the hotel room and germs.

The first night I walk in (a little late and a little inebriated) and meet her. The first thing that catches my eye is the TV remote (see inset picture - yes I had to take a picture so people would believe me). She bagged it. I couldn't help but ask about it and was advised that dateline did an expose on hotels and this was the safest way to handle remote germs.

Ok. She also had her own towel and always wore shoes - but I guess a lot of people do that. Twice she fell asleep with the remote on/under her and I had to wait until she rolled over hours later to fish it out. I don't sleep much anyway (usually between 2 and 6 am are my prime sleep hours) and this didn't help.

The best part was, each time before we left the room she would hide her towel and the remote - so the maid didn't think she was crazy.

I on the other hand...

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