Friday, May 28, 2010

Speaking of the Manfolk

I've been bragging on him a lot this month. Hmmm. Interesting when I read back. Fun to have someone that makes me happy (except for when he is making me crazy). We've been hanging out nearly a year now and time has flown by. Some days he is still a stranger, it is interesting how things have developed. Very much my best friend and the person I love to have beside me on my adventures.

Who would have guessed when I met him nearly eight years ago this is how things would have turned out?

Absence of TV in my life

I went on a weekend with the girls a couple of weeks ago (part of the reason for my slacking on the blog this month) and realized that I had absolutely nothing to contribute to multiple conversations because I don't watch TV.

I more than don't watch TV. I don't have cable, so since the conversion I can't even use the rabbit ears on my 27" piece of junk TV to attempt it if I wanted.

Don't get me wrong - I have my blockbuster online subscription so the manfolk and I watch plenty of movies and catch up on TV shows that we like when they are on DVD. Currently we are working on Dexter, soon to be Big Bang Theory. He and his roommate have cable so we have access to the Stars/Rangers/SportsCenter as needed (along with the DVR filled with NCIS or Law and Order for a rainy day). But I just don't watch live TV.

We are generally doing something on the weeknights or would rather tuck in with a movie that we have been wanting to see. But even doing that is very low on our priority scale. Given the chance to do something social we will almost always choose that over sitting in front of the boob tube. I don't have anything against it (unless it is running someone's life because there are better things to put your time into out there) - I just don't work like that.

I hear people every day who's lives revolve around the tv schedule for that night. More than once I have heard the phrase "I don't watch that because I don't have room for another Wednesday night show." It is a different world to me. I've never missed it, but it was interesting on our trip when the conversation would go to American Idol or Dancing with the Stars and I had absolutely nothing to contribute - and didn't desire to have that bond either. Just quietly listened and was glad (once again) for my life the way it is and a manfolk that understands me.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The theme for May

Seems to be music. Never realized how much it flows through my life... but it does every day. Not only with games I play or my song each morning. Two Jimmy Buffett concerts in a matter of days and I'm still listening to a live CD in the car on my way to and from work.

Love it when a song just speaks to you. Even if there is just a line or two. Jimmy happens to have done some of my favorites. One song I was lukewarm on at first that has really grown on me (don't rat me out, but it took looking up the lyrics for me to grow) -- Southern Cross(lyrics below). If you haven't heard it I recommend giving it a listen.


Got out of town on a boat for the Southern Islands
Sailing to reach before a following sea
She was makin' for the Trades on the outside
And the downhill run to Papeete

Off the wind on this heading lie the Marquesas
We got eighty feet of waterline, nicely making way
In a noisy bar in Avalon I tried to call you
But on a midnight watch I realized why twice you ran away

Think about how many times I have fallen
Spirits are using me, larger voices callin'
What heaven brought you and me cannot be forgotten
I have been around the world looking for that woman girl

Who knows love can endure
And you know it will
And you know it will

When you see the Southern Cross for the first time
You understand now why you came this way
'Cause the truth you might be runnin' from is so small
But it's as big as the promise, the promise of a coming day

So I'm sailing for tomorrow, my dreams are a dyin'
And my love is an anchor tied to you, tied with a silver chain
I have my ship and all her flags are a flyin'
She is all I have left and music is her name

Think about how many times I have fallen
Spirits are using me, larger voices callin'
What heaven brought you and me cannot be forgotten
I have been around the world lookin' for that woman girl

Who knows love can endure
And you know it will
And you know it will

So we cheated and we lied and we tested
And we never failed to fail, it was the easiest thing to do
You will survive being bested, somebody fine will come along

Make me forget about loving you and the Southern Cross

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Following an obsession

Was lucky enough last week to get to see Jimmy Buffett in concert twice. Took a half day Thursday and headed to Houston with the manfolk becase some parrothead friends of his had bought tickets and demanded our presence. It was in the Woodlands -- excellent concert, great venue and fantastic people. Friday we came back home to briefly recover and then Saturday morning we went out to Frisco with friends and the Lone Star Parrot Head Club to see him again at Pizza Hut Park. Greatest tailgate ever.

Too much fun, too bad it is only once a year.

Always loved Buffett. Lucky to find a manfolk that loves him just as much (quite probably more). Hoping one day for that laid back beach lifestyle for the two of us.

Here is to sunsets, good friends, boat drinks and holding hands with toes in the sand.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If you like yourself some rock...

I recommend listening or watching DJ Shumpy Monday and Wednesday nights from 6-10pm Central on the ROCK station. Email him at and he'll play anything for you (as long as he's got it).

If you are really nice to him he may flash the camera for you (just promise him goldshlager).

As far as his off air personality there is some good reading and rants on his blog.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Road Trip Game

I have always been fond of roadtrips. When I first married the now-ex we had no money so if we wanted to vacation we usually drove to visit family. Love me some road trippin. Did it a lot as kids and have very fond memories (except for when the littlest brother would feel the need to stop and pee at ever exit during the last stretch of each trip).

As an adult I've developed a raod trip game. Works if you are stuck in traffic too and best if you have control of the music (iPod, CDs or whatever).

I mentioned on my last post that I wake up with a song in my head every morning. Well it turns out that just about every song I hear is also associated with a particular memory. I've polled people and it turns out often that it is the same with them.

So, when you are sitting in the car with someone that you want to know more about - flip on the iPod and take turns listening to a variety of different music and telling each other about the associated memory. You can learn a lot about people, usually have some laughs and it kills time. Note: Don't act like a prying jerk, it is mean for casual fun.

I like it as a tool to learn -- even people who don't like to fall into the category of 'difficult to get to know' usually like some type of music and will participate.

Music works on people like that.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Every morning

I wake up with a song in my head. Sometimes a song I don't even like. Sometimes something I haven't heard in years. A variety of types and genres. Every morning -with out fail. Perhaps I will start tweeting them in the mornings so I can go back and see if there is a trend in the songs/music that correlates with how my day goes.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pet Peeve #4

Ties up with the first one. I think maybe it is that I just hate traffic. Especially on a Friday.

Just because it is raining doesn't mean you have to drive like a jackass. It is just a little water from the sky - I can understand if maybe it was pouring buckets, but a little drizzle does not force you to ride your breaks and go 10 miles under the speed limit.

Ugh. People should be tested for this when they get their license.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Southern Cookin'

I love food.

I am a yankee who transplanted to Texas about 20 years ago and was informed by the manfolk that apparently I still haven't really ever had proper southern cooking... until recently.

Good gracious - he is a Texas boy from a southern family and his mom knows how to COOK.

A few of my favorites so far:
Chicken'n'biscuits - yummy
Apple Dumplins - holy crap one of the best things on the planet
Blackberry cobbler - wow (though I hear it is a finiky dish to make because of the berries - they have to be just right)
Turkey and dressing - why did it take me this long to find it?

One of the best parts is watching the manfolk cook these secret family recipies and reliving the childhood stories as he works. I love listening to the memories and stories of him growing up and a lot of time some of the best stories are triggered as he bakes/mixes/cooks.

The other favorite of mine has become listening to his mom talk about the recipe as she dishes it up to a family that (in my opinion) has been thoroughly spoiled having this wonderful food all of their lives.

Not to say I was deprived growing up - not at all - I grew up in a family of east coast yankees and the food is just different. This southern cooking is a whole new (happy) world for me.

Monday, May 10, 2010

DJ Shumpy

Don't usually do shout outs on here but here you have it... this guy is worth it.

Just starting out on their ROCK station, Mondays and Wednesdays 6-10pm.

He has awesome taste and is great at taking requests.

Link to his blog

Good stuff and tell them you heard it here!

Marrying your Ex

So, you get an email from your ex that says "If neither one of us are married in 3 years/by the time I'm 40/by 2015/whatever then let's get married"

A little background on this ex:

1. broke your heart. Left you and it was "me not you" and you were at a loss. Absolutely devastated you. You thought they were the one. Told you that you are a great person and a great friend, but it just wasn't what they wanted.
2. may or may not have kids (probably does)
3. knows that you want to settle down and eventually be married with a family.

These pacts are generally positive if between two friends who have never been romantically entangled. If there is history it is generally ugly.

In the case of the Ex you should of course say NO because:

1. has gotten out into the world realized that you were a good person and would do anything for them - and now that they are getting older they realize that their options are no longer once what they were as far as finding a mate.
2. getting older and don't want to die alone (who does?)
3. (if #2 is true) realize that you truly loved and cared for their kids and provided for all of them emotionally and physically and they took it for granted
4. is manipulating you. Using #3 and keeping you hanging on for that "Just in case" situation. Yeah you are in a good relationship right now, but why move forward with that when the person that you have always loved (and would still do anything for) has opened the door and given you a chance. (I've seen this one happen -- it gets to the drop dead date and the Ex is dating someone and either 1. pushes back the date telling you that this relationship isn't too serious, but you want to see where it is going to do 2. tells you they were kidding). Women are the worst offenders when it comes to manipulation, and often they will pick on the softhearted man that will forever love them.

In all likelihood, if you said YES anyway (especially the males).

Most people won't listen to a word I write, but I feel better having posted my warning.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!

The mom's in my life are awesome - especially mine!

I am amazed by what I have seen recently as my friends have become moms and how it changes and molds them. I am profoundly respectful of those who have chosen to be moms and love the people who do it right!

Men - spoil the mom's in your life. We all know that you are a momma's boy deep down and even though you may be grown up, you should always show your appreciation the women who have made the sacrifice to become a mom(and yes it is a sacrifice) in your life.

I don't get it

It is pretty standard procedure that when you fall for someone and they say that they feel the same way - you open up and expect the same. Apparently I am wrong.

Things keep coming up - stuff I consider to be kinda' a big deal (and are occasionally on caliber to make it on to Montel) - and all I get is an "I'm sorry" and an "I'm working on it". It = being able to share.

What he doesn't get is all of the little things pile up. All of the little lies that are caught (even when he doesn't think they are) and omissions of truth for no reason make everything else (even innocent stuff) suspicious. It can be crushing. I trust him when he says he will never screw around physically -- but emotionally I don't know.

Love him, love being with him, everything is really great and he makes me incredibly happy. And then crap like this pops up - it is like he is living two different lives. I have given him no reason not to trust me and have been extremely up front with my life and what I want. I opened up in hopes that he will do the same. I am not asking to get into "The Vault" (as he calls it) and not asking for a minute by minute play by play - just want to know about the events that built him and the ones that are going to come and bite us in the future.

Guess I am more frustrated than anything - don't understand why he won't open up. I understand that other people have hurt him, but I am not those other people. Hell, he still talks and hangs out with most of those other people that he says hurt him so badly. Intensely frustrated.

This weekend provided an interesting reality check and put me on guard, but it doesn't phase him. It is hard to trust someone who doesn't trust you enough to share - but talks about building a life with you.

There are always red flags, previously they were little. It is starting to be worrisome. How many red flags are too many? When is it time to run in the name of self preservation?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Pet Peeve #3

This may actually be tied for the #1 pet peeve.

Being late.

I am the get there early person and always have been, that is how I was raised.

People who are late for something we have preplanned with absolutely no reason for being late other than they didn't feel like getting off the couch five minutes earlier so that you weren't sitting there wasting time waiting on them.

Drives me crazy. Shows complete lack of respect for other people's time and whatever it is you are meeting to do. Now I understand emergencies or if the meeting before ran over or whatever - but I absolutely can't stand it for no reason.

Even worse when it is a habit -- and worse than that when they know they are late and show no sense of urgency about it.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Random hygiene

For the love of everything holy why would you use deodorant you found in a public bathroom?

There has been a misfit deodorant container sitting in the woman's room for at least three weeks. As I was washing my hands just now I watched someone come in, check herself out in the mirror, sniff her pits, pick up the deodorant, sniff the deodorant, put it on and then stuff the container in her pocket.

um what? She sniffed it so it obviously wasn't hers. How many other people have used that since it has been sitting there? And why would they do that?

She didn't wash her hands either so I guess there is a low expectation of personal hygiene there.

icky icky icky

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"May the 4th be with you"

Yes... my manfolk is that big of a Star Wars nerd. Don't get me wrong, I love the movies -- but he LOVES the movies and everything associated with them.

So I borrowed this lovely helmet for grins to make him smile.

Much to the chagrin of the person who lent it to me it is sure to warrant a HNT submission.

Monday, May 3, 2010

'Round the world (or at least the country)

For the funeral we made a grand adventure to the north.

We flew. A lot. Can't complain when it is free, but wow.

Wednesday consisted of Dallas to Kansas City to Chicago to Buffalo. Saturday's return was Buffalo to Baltimore to St. Louis (apparently we have an attraction to Missouri) and finally to Dallas.

Have to confess the little bro and I did have a $50 bar bill between Baltimore and Dallas on the way home... but who is to blame us. It was an emotionally exhausting week and we were on airplanes for six hours.

Happy Birthday to me

I think that you should get your birthday off and get paid double time for it -- or at least you should get that one day to be able to drink beer in your office during work hours. Just sitting in your office waving your bottle to those poor suckers walking by actually being productive. Mostly because right now I am doing that, just without the beer.