Friday, May 28, 2010

Absence of TV in my life

I went on a weekend with the girls a couple of weeks ago (part of the reason for my slacking on the blog this month) and realized that I had absolutely nothing to contribute to multiple conversations because I don't watch TV.

I more than don't watch TV. I don't have cable, so since the conversion I can't even use the rabbit ears on my 27" piece of junk TV to attempt it if I wanted.

Don't get me wrong - I have my blockbuster online subscription so the manfolk and I watch plenty of movies and catch up on TV shows that we like when they are on DVD. Currently we are working on Dexter, soon to be Big Bang Theory. He and his roommate have cable so we have access to the Stars/Rangers/SportsCenter as needed (along with the DVR filled with NCIS or Law and Order for a rainy day). But I just don't watch live TV.

We are generally doing something on the weeknights or would rather tuck in with a movie that we have been wanting to see. But even doing that is very low on our priority scale. Given the chance to do something social we will almost always choose that over sitting in front of the boob tube. I don't have anything against it (unless it is running someone's life because there are better things to put your time into out there) - I just don't work like that.

I hear people every day who's lives revolve around the tv schedule for that night. More than once I have heard the phrase "I don't watch that because I don't have room for another Wednesday night show." It is a different world to me. I've never missed it, but it was interesting on our trip when the conversation would go to American Idol or Dancing with the Stars and I had absolutely nothing to contribute - and didn't desire to have that bond either. Just quietly listened and was glad (once again) for my life the way it is and a manfolk that understands me.

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