Tuesday, August 3, 2010


It takes a lot to earn my trust and not much to lose it.

And if I have a hint of proof I have a tendency to hang on to it and worry about it and don't really know how to get over it.

Or even if I should.

Been hurt before. When I was young (high school ish) I swore I was never getting married or having kids. EVER. To difficult and too open and it was just safer not to.

There was a period of time (years) where I didn't talk to my dad because he cheated on my mom and broke up our family. I would only speak when necessary and usually that involved money to pay for college (or bills that went unpaid). It took years for our relationship to become decent again and I will still probably never forgive him for that.

Accountability often seems lost - people use the excuse of alcohol, sadness, whatever to justify the things that they do to hurt others. I just can't stand by that. Everyone makes bad decisions or decisions they regret, live up to them, move on and don't make excuses.

Men seem to blame their penises for a lot of stuff too (usually coupled with alcohol) which I think is the biggest load of crap ever.

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