Friday, August 13, 2010

Weekday Exhaustion

In my old life Sunday evening through Thursday evening we never went out. That time was for working out and eating healthy stuff at the house. Occasionally we would have dinner with a family member, but going out on the weekdays was just not in the cards.

Now it seems like I am busy all of the time and I kick myself for not doing more all of those years.

Hope I haven't written this rant before.

This week for example, dinner with friends, a Rangers game, a Fort Worth Cats game - and that is just Tuesday - Thursday. I love the change in my life (even if I hit the snooze button a little too often lately and 1am seems to be the normal bedtime). By the time the weekend rolls around I am tired, but socially satisfied.

Had an interesting conversation the other day in a meeting with an aquainteance from another department:

Him "You haven't updated your facebook in a couple days"
Me "Stalker" (smile)
Him "No really. I have kids and a mortgage, I live vicariously through you. You always seem to be doing something fun or going somewhere different. I don't have that so I live through yours"
Me "Stalker" (smile)
Other Guy in the Room "Yeah you are kind of an admitted stalker, but in a good way"

But honestly it got me thinking about the things I do. I am kind of flattered.

I know I should eat better and work out more - but it honestly doesn't take a seconds hesitation for me to choose between a Rangers game or going to work out. Little pieces of life I was never living are more enticing to me than 30 minutes on the treadmill.

Seems to me a choice between living life and watching it drift by.

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