Monday, June 28, 2010

I tried

I tried the lake too. It just doesn't work. Beach withdrawal in full force.

That's it. I'm finding a vacation this week.

Good birthday present for the manfolk.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Beach withdrawal

Saw this as a friend's Facebook status today and couldn't help but feel for her: "Person I'm Not Going To Name is so deep into beach withdrawal I hug my TV every time the Corona commercial comes"

I am suffering from beach withdrawal. We have been trying to supplement it with pool time but it is just not quite doing it for me. We had a laundry incident so the man is currently looking to replace his passport. I am doing my part by frantically searching for all inclusive beach deals online that we can take advantage of once the new one arrives and my scuba certification is complete.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Bucket List

The ever growing Bucket List. I have checked off some this year and that feels AWESOME.

Here they are in no particular order:
1. Get a new tattoo. (Technically crossed this one off in March. Now I want another)
2. Go skydiving
3. Learn to speak passable Spanish (this one keeps starting and stalling)
4. Learn to drive a motorcycle (I've ridden but never driven)
5. Get scuba certified (Starting this process today - that's how this whole 'blog the list' idea came up)
6. Go to French Polynesia/Bora Bora
7. Be on the Kiss Cam at a major league sporting event
8. Walk (and/or have sex on) a black sand beach

Confession - I keep a running list stored in my phone. Just in case something comes up that I need to add immediately or I get that bored and need something to do.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Odd Memories

Yesterday I would have been married nine years. Weird.

I'll preface it with ... I have done more for my self and am infinitely happier since I got out. Anyone who really knows me can attest to that fact.

But it is still weird to think about. It wasn't all bad, there are a lot of happy memories and a few adventures there. Family and relationships built that are no longer part of my life because of my decision to leave. But I am better for it now.

I don't regret leaving at all.

As a sidenote - I even kick myself sometimes for not doing it sooner.

I ask my mom sometimes why she waited so long to leave my dad. Even I could tell she was unhappy and I was a kid. They split when I was 17. She always says that she stayed for us kids. I don't have that excuse and it still took me a good amount of time to get out. It was difficult and probably the worst thing I have been through in my life - and I just can't imagine how much more difficult it would have been with kids.

I have begun a new life and found happiness with myself (and surprisingly to me another person) that I never had or imagined.

Happy to look forward, but everyone has those moments where the odd memories creep up.

Ever have one of those days...

where you are so busy you forget to pee?

Seriously. Sometimes I look at the clock and go "Holy crap. I've been staring at this stupid monitor for 4 hours and haven't moved and I think my bladder may explode"

Not good.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Why I don't have cable...

... the cable companies.

I applied online for cable and internet this weekend because the manfolk is moving in and it has been determined that it is a relationship life or death requirement.

Verizon called today. My cell phone. Three times. And left me messages to contact them about what building number that I live in.

So I call. Make it through the maze of impossible electronic menus and am advised I will sit on hold for 6 minutes waiting for someone to respond. 7:14 later a lady answers and I give her the basic information.

"We don't have record of you"
"But you called me at this number and told me to call you"
"Are you sure it was this phone number?"
"Yes, it is the only one I have"
"Hmmm. Did you give us a different phone number?"
(deep breath) "Like I said, this is the only phone number I have"
"Well we don't have you in the system. Let me transfer you."


Two transfers. Give the same basic information twice.

"Hmmmm we don't seem to have record of you"
"That's what the last two people said"
"Did you get to the part where you put your phone number in?"
"Your people called me this afternoon and I am returning their call"
"I know, but did you get to the part online where you put your phone number in?"
(really deep breath and a pause) "Yes. I assume that is how your person knew to contact me"
"Well, we don't have you in the system. Why don't you give me your social security number and we will rerun your application?"
"Will that show on my credit"
"Of course"
"Um. No. I already did all of this and someone contacted me based on that information and told me to contact you. You can not rerun my credit. If you can't find the file I'll go somewhere else"
"Ok. Well then you should try back later"
"I give up. You guys are making it really difficult to be a customer."

What a waste of my time. AND THESE PEOPLE WANT MY MONEY. So very frustrating.

I used to be on the telephone in customer service. I know how it works. But OH MY GOD I am not an idiot like the people on the other end of the line.

Holy shit.


Moving still sucks.

Especially in this heat.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Sperm Donors Day!

Kidding. Kinda. Some dads are better than others and those that do it well deserve to be appreciated every day. Happy Father's Day to the deserving and those lucky enough to have brought life into this world and take the time to raise them right.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Moving sucks.

I'm excited because the manfolk is moving in with me. Spent yesterday doing a massive clean-out of my apartment - closets and donations galore. I love getting rid of stuff. Downsizing makes me happy. It is 100 degrees out and I made the mistake of living on the second floor. Yeesh. Spending today moving his stuff (he has a lot of stuff and likes to keep stuff).

Excited and nervous. Going to live out the rest of my lease (6 months ish) in about 850 square feet together. I am thinking if we don't kill each other it is probably meant to be.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pet Peeve #5

Leaders that won't make a decision.

And have meetings to talk about the decision that they aren't going to make.

I have a feeling that I have career limited myself because I am willing to make decisions and have come to a point where I sit in these meetings and won't leave until SOMETHING is done or decided. And if they won't let me make the decision, I will point out that there has been no resolution/plan for future action even though we have been there for an hour discussing it.

Even worse when they do that and then the issue just dies. No one follows up. So incredibly irritating.

You are a leader. There is a reason. Grow some balls (even little bitty ones) and use that to make a decision. Even a bad decision is better than no decision at all when you are dealing with non life-altering initiatives.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Phone Test

Just for fun. In a room full of people with smart phones (this doesn't work with people like my mom who use their phone as just an actual phone) pull yours out for no reason and look at the screen. I have run a test and it is pretty much guaranteed that 85% or more of the people in the room will reach for their phone -- they will either look at it or just reach to see it if is on their person. Especially true with men. All around very entertaining if you are looking for it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Let's discuss change

I have found that I enjoy the hell out of some change. Funny considering my life was so predictable for so many years and the current manfolk dreads change.

Love it. It invigorates me. Fun to start on a new adventure. So much out there that I have found that you miss out on if you don't shake things up every once in a while. Life can be great -- but even better when you add some twists and turns. Even the change that is forced upon you -- it may be difficult to get through, but in the end some change usually does a body good.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Certainly not all posts need to be heartfelt and profound. It is the first day back to work after a sun and beer soaked long holiday weekend that I wish wouldn't have ended and I have no desire to do anything productive.