Friday, June 25, 2010

The Bucket List

The ever growing Bucket List. I have checked off some this year and that feels AWESOME.

Here they are in no particular order:
1. Get a new tattoo. (Technically crossed this one off in March. Now I want another)
2. Go skydiving
3. Learn to speak passable Spanish (this one keeps starting and stalling)
4. Learn to drive a motorcycle (I've ridden but never driven)
5. Get scuba certified (Starting this process today - that's how this whole 'blog the list' idea came up)
6. Go to French Polynesia/Bora Bora
7. Be on the Kiss Cam at a major league sporting event
8. Walk (and/or have sex on) a black sand beach

Confession - I keep a running list stored in my phone. Just in case something comes up that I need to add immediately or I get that bored and need something to do.

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