Thursday, June 24, 2010

Odd Memories

Yesterday I would have been married nine years. Weird.

I'll preface it with ... I have done more for my self and am infinitely happier since I got out. Anyone who really knows me can attest to that fact.

But it is still weird to think about. It wasn't all bad, there are a lot of happy memories and a few adventures there. Family and relationships built that are no longer part of my life because of my decision to leave. But I am better for it now.

I don't regret leaving at all.

As a sidenote - I even kick myself sometimes for not doing it sooner.

I ask my mom sometimes why she waited so long to leave my dad. Even I could tell she was unhappy and I was a kid. They split when I was 17. She always says that she stayed for us kids. I don't have that excuse and it still took me a good amount of time to get out. It was difficult and probably the worst thing I have been through in my life - and I just can't imagine how much more difficult it would have been with kids.

I have begun a new life and found happiness with myself (and surprisingly to me another person) that I never had or imagined.

Happy to look forward, but everyone has those moments where the odd memories creep up.

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