Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

"Come out to the coast, we'll have a few laughs..."

I've posted previously about the best Christmas movies out there...

I neglected two of themanfolk's favorites:

Die Hard

Die Hard 2

They really are Chrismas movies.  We went and saw Die Hard on the big screen the week after Thanksgiving and it was an excellent way to kick off the season!  So if you are looking for something a little different, give them a shot.

Or there is always Gremlins.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

What is wrong with people?

What kind of asshole tells his kids that there is no Santa in the middle of a nasty divorce a week and a half before Christmas?

My brother in law.

Drops the bomb on them (they are 8 and 6) while christmas tree shopping and then leaves them at his mother's for the night to be handed off to their mother the next day.


Two kids, who have been through a whole lot this year and obviously need to have something good to believe in, completely crushed.

I want to kick him in the nuts.

He says his soon-to-be-ex is no good at being a mother, but this is world class shit parenting on his part.  At least she (who is dealing with the immediate fall out) has been trying to help them and has reached out to me and my husband's mom to help repair what she can.  In my opionin, she has done the best possible things she can for the kiddos (the young one is having a REALLY hard time with it) in the aftermath.

Seriously. Kick. In. Nuts.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Angel Tree

I used to be a big proponent of the Salvation Army Angel Tree program.

Used to.

My office building is about a quarter of a mile away from the local SALVATION ARMY CHRISTMAS/DISASTER CENTER (doesn't that say something that those two are paired). Anyway, we get involved as a company in both donating and volunteering to help. 

While volunteering a few years ago during family pick-up I was dismayed at what I saw... more than 50% of the people coming to pick up gifts for their "children in need" had cars that were either 1. worth more than mine or 2. the wheels they had on them were worth more than my car.  When a mom with three "needy" kids gets out of her Escalade with her iPhone stuck to her ear and sparkly gold grille - you loose some faith.

The parents aren't needy... they fulfill their own needs first and then expect charity to take care of their kids.  As a mom I just don't get it.

Or maybe the system is broken and it's too simple to get labeled as "needy"?

I dunno.  I've stopped supporting the program until I figure it out.  I'm not a Grinch, I'm just disappointed.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Knock it off!!

No one wants to have a Monday morning meeting at 9am... SO QUIT PUTTING THEM ON MY CALENDAR AND THEN CANCELLING THEM!


Overpaid internal consultants who are assisting the unions in driving this place into the ground.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

More tiny tot advice

A continuation of an earlier post... 

· OshKosh clothes run small
· Baby spit up can stain anything
· A chair that rocks is a good thing to have in the house. We didn’t get a glider, but our hand-me-down recliners happen to rock
· We have found that the changing pads (usually come with a diaper bag or sold as a ‘changing station’) are nearly useless (slippery and too small and take up a lot of space in your bag), you are better off to have a receiving blanket in your diaper bag that you can throw down wherever and rotate out frequently.
· It is rare that a men’s room has a changing table in public places
· When baby comes keep the following on hand: baby first aid/grooming kit (red cross makes a couple), Vick’s Baby Rub (must have for congestion, you put it on their feet under socks and it works like a champ), baby Tylenol (we haven’t had to use this one yet)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Top 15 Babies Things (0-3 months)

A couple of my friends are pregnant and have asked for registering advice.  They seemed to like this so I thought I'd share it with the world. 

Some of this we got new, some of it was hand-me-down – these are my top 15 things for the first three months:
  • An extra infant car seat base for the second vehicle
  • Pack and play with changing table on top
  • Multiple diaper bags with lots of pockets (and room for your stuff so you don’t have to walk around looking like a bag lady when you take the baby out)
  • We use 4 or 6 ply cloth diapers as burp cloths. (The stuff at some of the baby stores labeled as burp cloths are kind of useless – the diapers work like a champ)
  • Fisher-Price Cruisin' Motion Soother Bouncer (bouncer imitates car movement and our little man loves it – some babies prefer swings or regular bouncers)
  • Beaudraux’s Buttpaste
  • A cheap microwave bottle steamer and BIG drying rack (we got the Dr. Brown one because it fit the bottles, they are like $25-30 each)
  • Angelcare Monitor (has a sensor pad underneath the little one’s mattress that alerts if she stops breathing – great peace of mind) and/or a video monitor (we got a great one on a woot kids deal)  Summer Infant Baby Touch Video Monitor (Google Affiliate Ad)
  •  Diaper genie (we got the Arm & Hammer one, so far so good)
  • An arterial thermometer that you swipe across their head
  • Sheets/quilted covers for the pack and play (2-4 of them)
  •  Bassinet (we got a hand-me-down and it worked beautifully – some people we know went straight to a pack and play or crib but I liked having the bassinet right there next to the bed when he wasn’t sleeping through the night)
  • You can never have too many receiving blankets (we have some from Carter’s that we got hand-me-down that are a little heavier that we use along with the regular receiving blankets and they are awesome)
  •  Diaper caddy for organization. Then you can change a baby in a hurry anywhere in the house (we have this onehttp://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=12326945 

    We are partial to Dr. Brown’s bottles – every baby is different though so don’t buy a bunch of anything in advance

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I've been slacking and this has been pointed out repeatedly.

I know.

I've been all consumed with baby.

But I'll try...

In July I had a perfect son and he is the light of our lives.  You'd never guess something so small could keep you so busy.

Future posts may be littered with baby things.  You have been warned.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Little mistakes that increase workload

I made the mistake of setting my boss up on Communicator today.  The rest of the department has been using it for nearly a year, so why not right? He asked, I helped.

Dear Lord do I regret that.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sigh of relief

I love my brother and SIL but it has been a hectic two months with them living in our house and they (and their dog) are MESSY.  They moved out Friday and I spent the weekend scrubbing and cleaning.  Carpets get cleaned on Tuesday and new furniture comes in on Friday and the house will be OURS. 

Happy Preggomonster (what the middle bro likes to call me these days)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Life in Sports

Well, after a dismal last month of playing our beloved Stars knocked themselves out of the playoffs so we are hockey free until October-ish.

Monday night was the first game that the Rangers had Yu Darvish pitch and we scored some sweet suite tickets to the game. My brothers, themanfolk and I all piled in and cheered loud. He had a rocky start but a lot of offensive help. The weather was perfect the hot dogs (and beer) were free and I had great company. Awesome start to the season.

And theNugget is going to be a baseball fan. He/she wiggled like CRAZY most of the game. He/she takes after his mom with a passion for Rangers baseball.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Where does the time go?

Things have been good, but hectic.

Brief recap -

The littlest brother and SIL and their untrained puppy moved in during the second week in March. It’s been good, except for working with the puppy. My brother and his wife currently owe us some carpet cleaning, an ottoman and a couch (ref pictures of the pooch’s handiwork). As the cost of rebuying furniture has increased they have finally caved to letting us crate the dog. It’s a dog, it will be fine. Every dog I’ve ever had has been crate trained and is perfectly well adjusted (and spoiled).
I like having them around, plus he's currently entertaining a job offer in another part of the country so it's nice to have some time in before they jet off to a new life (where it would be much harder to see him on a whim).

Job change at work. They finally hired for my old position so I’m working through transitioning stuff instead of doing double duty. Pretty amazed at how much I used to do. Still getting my feet wet in the new stuff – lots to learn.

Location change at work. We are all in cubicles now (no big deal for me but you would think some people are being tortured the way they are reacting) I think it makes me more productive (definitely less likely to go on a blog rant at work when people can walk up behind me and see it). This was a giant whuppin’ because I was in charge of this one too – at least this time everyone knew more of what they were in for and that I was pregnant so I didn’t have to lift anything (yay me).

Manfolk job change. Got a job he loves. Taking a chance on a technology company with part time hours. He was miserable before and it makes my heart happy to see him settling in to his new gig.

TheNugget is growing like crazy and sapping my brain power and energy. Brother and themanfolk painted the nursery last weekend. That’s quite a load off. 25 down… Doc scared the crap out of both of us when he told us that technically the baby could show up at any time from here on out.

All this, plus the normal family, friends and daily craziness has made me a blog slacker. I’m working on it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A little perspective

Everyone needs a little perspective.  In times when things are going right in my world and I hear so many others beating themselves (and their families and the people around them) down with their negativity - a little outside perspective goes a long way. 

The Least Read Blog In The World!: Life and Perspective: To say that life has been challenging over the past few years would be an understatement.  It seems that every turn we have made there is so...

Monday, April 2, 2012

*shakes head*

So I have a consultant sitting next to me during a testing phase in the new work space. On his white board he wrote his to-do list:

1. Organize to do list

If he’s making more than minimum wage I may cry.

Friday, March 2, 2012

They're baaaaaaaaack

I mentioned before that my brother and his wife lived with us for a little while in November between leases and as they were getting married. Well, they had been renting from a friend who now needs the house back all of a sudden (instead of this fall as had been their original handshake deal) so that his parents can stay there. Looks like we are getting roommates once again... next week.

Should be an adventure.

They are going to stay as long as it takes to settle into a place somewhere else (not sure where because they are both trying to switch jobs) and definitely before The Nugget is scheduled to come.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Half way there!!

20 weeks along and officially half way through cookin' The Nugget! Last sonogram tomorrow and we still aren't going to find out what he/she is - one of life's great surprises.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Farwell Dear Master,

A good friend sent us this and I thought I would share.

Farwell, Dear Master,

You have been my teacher, my friend and most beloved companion. I was like your child, totally dependent on you for all my needs. But I never grew up or moved away as children do. I just grew to love and need you more each day, each month, each year.

I never went hungry because you fed me dinner and gave me water every day. When the weather was bad I found comfort in the warmth and safety of your house. I delighted you by learning tricks, but what you may not have realized is that I loved learning from you because I lived to please you.

The touch of your hand stroking my fur made my life worthwhile. Although I barked at noises in the night, the postman’s footsteps, and the ringing of the doorbell; the voice of my master was the one sound that I cherished most.

Your moods became my moods. When you were sad or lonely, I nuzzled closer to comfort you. There were times you became upset with me because I soiled the carpet, chewed on a piece of furniture, or barked too much. But do not feel bad about those times when you scolded me. I needed to learn right from wrong, and I always understood when things weren’t going your way or when you’d had an unpleasant day at work.

There is no need to harbor guilt or remorse on my behalf. You loved me and blessed me with more happiness than most animals will ever know. Instead of wondering what you could have done differently, remember the funny things I did and the happy times we enjoyed together.

Though it is hard for you to understand, I was ready to pass on from this life. Our time together was short, but if we’d had fifty years together, you still would not have been ready from me to leave.

So please, master, share your life with others. Do not refuse the opportunity to give another lucky pet the love you have given me. No animal will ever take my place in you heart, but there is another one who needs you and who will grow to love you as much as I did.

I am now at peace and I no loner feel pain. You gave me a wonderful home and a happy existence on this earth.

So please be happy – go on with your life and give your love to others. Although I no longer share your world, I will always live in your heart and you in mine.

Farewell, Dear Master

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


We had to put down our sweet dog on Saturday. After ten years of wonderful friendship and companionship. It was the best choice for him, his liver was failing and he had cancer. He hadn’t been the same for the last few months, but it was still impossible to let him go. I still cry (I’m crying now). The manfolk and I are both devastated. I think our other pup is just confused. It’s amazing how much an animal can mean to you and affect you each day. There is a hole in our home.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cravings and not

Cravings so far…

Apple juice (haven’t really drank it since I was a kid)

Werther’s Hard Candy (again, something my grandmother used to keep around the house but I haven’t had in years)

Things that haven’t sounded good…

Mexican food (which is odd because previously I could have eaten it twice a day)

Happily The Nugget is still a fan of bacon. That’s how I know it’s my child.

Friday, February 10, 2012


So I feel very obviously pregnant. Wearing maternity clothes and for those jeans I haven’t been able to give up yet I have one of those Bella Bands(I bought the Target version but you get the point). The doc said nothing tight around the waist so that rules out everything but maternity clothes. Even though I haven’t gained any weight, it has all definitely moved to the middle (not that I was super skinny there before).

Someone asked me yesterday, while looking at me, if I was showing yet. I had to say – “Well, I guess not if you can’t tell”. No big deal, but when I can look down and see my belly when I’m sitting, I definitely think I’m showing. Just kinda makes me feel like I’m walking around looking like a cow.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


We have reached the four month mark of the pregnancy. Work has been told, it was announced to Facebook and the word is out. Whew. It sucks holding back something that exciting.

We are due in July and not finding out if it is a boy or girl. It has been affectionately nicknamed The Nugget and the name seems to have stuck.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Getting Settled

Things are finally settling down at work and at home from the move. Although the work space is temporary and we will have to move again in about a month, it isn’t going to be nearly as much of a culture shock as it was this go round (people losing offices, new style of furniture, etc.).

Finally back to my regularly scheduled life.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


We’ve decided to take a pre-baby vacation (thanks to the manfolk’s second job and our tax refund).

About two weeks we found a fantastic deal on a cruise so we booked it. We leave Monday. SO. FREAKIN. EXCITED.

Bahamas and Key West here we come!

Just like last time
we didn’t pre-pick our room and went for the crapshoot that is the cruise room lottery. We made it to the Empress Deck (level 7 for you non cruisers) and are thrilled (would have been on level 1 if we had chosen in advance).

Quite excellent.

Neither of us have spent any time in the Bahamas and the manfolk has never been to Key West (I have some very happy memories of the place from an adventure in 2009) and I am just thrilled.

Religious Music

religion: a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons

Something random about me...

If you were to search my iTunes you would see that anything by Jimmy Buffett is categorized by Religious. I believe it fits the above definition and is much less likely to cause war than most religious beliefs out there.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Speeding by

I mentioned that we moved. Well, we moved about three miles down the road from where the ex and I used to own a house. Though I don’t go over that way much it is decidedly odd when I do. Memories attach themselves to everything, songs, places, smells – and it is really odd to have the flood of memories (good and bad) attack as I speed on by.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Spelling Test

I got the following text from a good friend of mine who's a 2nd grade teacher.

Does (your company) have any janitorial positions available? Lol or maybe your personal assistant? I just found a note on my floor that says "your a bich Mattie"

FML I must suck as a teacher if they can't even spell one of our spelling words correctly... it's b.i.t.c.h. The T gets them every time.

I could never be a teacher. I don't have the patience.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Movin' on up

Moving at home - bought a house, had a bunch of repairmen in to fix/update/clean stuff, moved in, unpacked (mostly) and vacated and cleaned the old apartment (which we will probably lose our deposit on even though we took good care of the place because they suck balls).


Moving at work - being uprooted into a temporary cubeland so our area can be revamped and then moving back 4-6 weeks later and I've been chosen to lead this shenanigan by the higher ups.

I usually am ok with moving, I like change (usually - but this is a little much. Everything is in disarray all of the time. It's exhausting and incredibly time consuming.

I'll be happy when it is over and I can get back to my regularly scheduled life.


Would you like to know what is a whole lot of pressure?

Naming a child.

They have to carry that with them forever. Holy crap. It could be a source of ridicule or individuality or jokes or humor or whatever.

Plus, both of us have to agree on what sounds good. When you have a stubborn husband, that may be complicated.

Probably my biggest baby-related concern at the moment (I think that's a good thing, but I'd really like to have it settled).

Since we aren't finding out boy or girl we have to have them ready for both. Sheesh.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to work