Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The hunt continues...

I mentioned back in December that the manfolk got laid off the week before Christmas... well... he's still looking for something full time. He's had some little contract gigs and has done some manual labor for friends but he's ready for something full time. He's been interviewing and the party line for the most part has been 'you are overqualified'. It sucks to see him disappointed so often. I hurt for him. Kills me that people don't see what I do in him. If they did he would have been snatched up long ago to a million dollar a year job.

Currently have fingers crossed on a position he interviewed for two weeks ago -- they called him and initiated it. *come on job*

Thursday, May 26, 2011

One with the waves

For the past two nights my dreams have been filled with cruise ships and exotic beaches.

I think my soul is aching for the sea.

Have an adventure to Florida planned in a couple of weeks, hopefully my brain doesn't torture me every night between now and then.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Ok. I am a non-union Employee at the Headquarters of a company that is 86% unionized.

In the big scheme of the world, for what I do, I make dick.

So, when we have our shareholders meeting and one of our union (extremely senior, extremely overpaid for what they do, easily outsourced but we as a company are too big of pussies to do it) groups is picketing on the corner, talking to the media, asking for equal pay and more headcount I have to resist the urge to drive by and throw something at them.

Preferably something heavy and sharp.

Seriously, this group probably makes, on average about $52 an hour, has flexible scheduling and very little responsibility.

This is one of those things where if i was king for a day around here I would outsource it and spend the money that we waste on these folks on a few much needed programs.

There was a time and place for unions. And some still provide valid benefit:
Coal miners need unions.
Hazardous materials plant workers need unions.
Railroad mechanics need unions.
Baseball players, pilots and these jerks absolutely do not.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The mystery of Google searches

So apparently the most hits Google directs to my site goes to the Get me the hell out of here post with the cat picture on it.

What are people searching?

I may have to do research.

Oh and I can't stand cats.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Like we never loved at all

Tim McGraw song on the radio got me thinking on the way in to work today about humans in love.

You can feel so passionately about someone, willing to risk everything, put yourself in danger (emotional, physical, social, etc) just to be around that person at one time. Something may happen and it falls apart. Time passes and you look back, or see that person, and wonder "What was going on in my head?". Thinking back to what you sacrificed or what you risked in the name of being with that person or part of that person's life. It's amazing.

I don't think it has to do with the brain at all. Sometimes it is a physical connection and sometimes it seems to be a true matter of the heart (usually the former).

There may be the occasional "that was fun" or an odd longing for a more random time, but knowing that you are in the right place with the right person now and loving a true companion and friend trumps all.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Justice prevails?

Time to turn back the clock to 2002... I was just not quite married and out of college for a year and had been working at a local bank for about 10 months. Didn't make a ton of money, but the hours were good, the job was easy, my commute was 4 minutes and I worked with some great people.

I was spending half my time in the loan department and half my time behind the teller line. One fine spring day in May I was covering the teller line during lunch and a scruffy looking gentlemen walked in. Didn't think much of him because we did a lot of check cashing for construction workers and such.

He walked over to my window and handed me a white paper bag that just said "FILL BAG". At first I thought it was a joke, after a double take I realized that it wasn't and did as instructed.

Unfortunately for him, I had spent most of the day in the loan department and had very little to fill the bag with.

The bank officer working the lobby immediately noticed something was wrong and started to come over to see what was going on. I gave him the bag and he abruptly turned around and quickly walked out the door. She followed him to the door to try to get the license plate (he wasn't completely stupid and had removed them).

As soon as he turned around I tripped the alarm, tried as discreetly as possible to signal the other tellers and pulled out my victim sheet (a paper with a fill in the blank about what happened to you and what he looked like and what the getaway car looked like, etc.)

The two friends that I worked with on the teller line were in a heated debate over a game of Simpsons Chess and didn't realize that anything was wrong until he had gotten to the door.

The police and the FBI descended upon us. I was interviewed four or five times and then my boss sent me home with a bottle of wine (which I promptly drank, chased by another).

The next day I decided that my cushy job at the bank wasn't as cushy as I thought and marched my resume over to my next door neighbor that had been hounding me to come work with her (same place I work now).

Fast forward to September. Sitting at my new job (still working at the bank on weekends for play money) I get a call from the US Marshalls office. They found the guy and needed to send the FBI over to see if I was fit to testify. Ok. Sure. I ask my new boss to use a conference room the following afternoon and the black suits come marching in (awesome probationary impression I'm sure).

December rolls around and I take a day off to sit at the Federal Court Building and testify to that jerkwad face to face. The trial was a worse experience than actually getting robbed. They brought in a few people from each of the banks so I had some moral support. While I testified my moral support got the goods from the other witnesses in the room (I wasn't allowed to talk to them) and it turns out that this guy's girlfriend turned him in after he ticked her off, turns out he had robbed four banks and been dumb enough to brag about it. She got to testify too.

Trial over. Four guilty verdicts rendered and my moral support took me out for tequila. Sentencing judge gave him 1033 months (just over 86 years) with five years of probation to follow (go judge) no parole (federal money stolen and he was armed).

Justice served right?

I was pretty happy with it.

The reason this comes up now... the Department of Justice has a program where they have to tell you (as a victim) what happens with the prisoner throughout his life in the system. Well yesterday I got a letter from the folks at the DOJ letting me know that while not eligible for parole this lovely repeat offender has qualified for placement in a 'community program' until his sentence is up.

Apparently sentenced to 80 years with no parole plus probation really means the jerk bank robber sits in low security prison for less than 10 years and gets put in a halfway house 'under supervision' for the rest.

What a giant pile of crap. So much for doing your time, you do part of it and get introduced back into society with government funding.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Two Months!!

Two months from today and we will be waltzing down the sandy aisle.

Friday, May 13, 2011

They see me rollin'

Click here for a good laugh.

Ok. Maybe not a good laugh, but Dennis sent it to me and I giggle every time I see it.

Plus I think my grandparents had that carpet when I was a kid.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Knee Deep

Two of my favorite bands/singers ever -- Zac Brown Band and Jimmy Buffett.

Awesome. We are working them into the wedding music as often as possible. Including our first dance.

Figured this song (click here) was perfect for this stormy Texas day.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sound advice

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mission Update #3

I've been slacking. Who can blame me with a Beer and Bacon Shower and the fact I love to eat?

Water intake has been good (except on the weekends when it is mostly replaced with margaritas or beer - DOH)

Over a third of the way through the 100 miles with more than 70 days to go.

I'm only down 10 lbs. Need to kick it into gear as I have exactly a month until my dress fitting. Now that the Bacon and Birthday are out of the way maybe I will just stop eating...


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A gift?

The creepy guy at work sent this to me this weekend.

Um... I guess you can see why he is the creepy guy at work.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!

It's my birthday... the manfolk tried to be sneaky and plan something for this evening but my sweet friend CrzyFrzy slipped and said something yesterday. Then lied badly to try to cover it up.

I'm not a huge fan of surprises, but it means the world that he would try to set something up for me. Love that guy (even though he sometimes tries to drive me into the madhouse). I am very lucky.

Monday, May 2, 2011

April Resolution Update

Let's see... we had a grand adventure planned for early April but things went awry, hence the ridiculousness I alluded to in March's update didn't really happen. Still got to spend some time on the beach, but that certainly isn't something new for me.

As far as new things in April...

Bacon and Beer Shower - no one has ever done anything like it before.

Attended Rangers opening day. Something I had always wanted to do.

Also Rangers related, I took part in eating a 3 lb pretzel at a game we went to two weeks ago. (Picture for emphasis - it is much more grand in real life)

Got probed.

Spent the weekend in Granbury with my Ya-Yas. Had never been there, we intended to shop and really just ended up sitting in a winery all afternoon drinking and buying bottles with specialized labels (that we picked) on them. Perfectly relaxing with only a minor headache the next morning.

This isn't as fun for you guys because you knew this stuff already, that's what you get when I keep up with my blog.

Soothes the savage beast

Into the Mystic
We were born before the wind
Also younger than the sun
'Ere the bonnie boat was won as we sailed into the mystic
Hark, now hear the sailors cry
Smell the sea and feel the sky
Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic

And when that foghorn blows I will be coming home
And when that foghorn blows I want to hear it
I don’t have to fear it
I want to rock your gypsy soul
Just like way back in the days of old
Then magnificently we will float into the mystic
And when that foghorn blows you know I will be coming home
And when that foghorn whistle blows I got to hear it
I don’t have to fear it
I want to rock your gypsy soul
Just like way back in the days of old
And together we will float into the mystic
Come on girl ...

--Van Morrison

Or our wedding version can be found by clicking here.