Friday, May 20, 2011

Like we never loved at all

Tim McGraw song on the radio got me thinking on the way in to work today about humans in love.

You can feel so passionately about someone, willing to risk everything, put yourself in danger (emotional, physical, social, etc) just to be around that person at one time. Something may happen and it falls apart. Time passes and you look back, or see that person, and wonder "What was going on in my head?". Thinking back to what you sacrificed or what you risked in the name of being with that person or part of that person's life. It's amazing.

I don't think it has to do with the brain at all. Sometimes it is a physical connection and sometimes it seems to be a true matter of the heart (usually the former).

There may be the occasional "that was fun" or an odd longing for a more random time, but knowing that you are in the right place with the right person now and loving a true companion and friend trumps all.

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