Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Doc is (plugged) In

So a few weeks ago I went to the doctor over something weird that happened (thought my brain was malfunctioning - turns out that it is just normal malfunctions). I might as well have just consulted Web MD and then written myself a prescription for a CT scan.

I went in. Paid my $25 copay - which I had to pay again two days later if I wanted the results (they were holding them hostage). Sat with the nurse practitioner (been going to the same place for nearly 10 years, never actually seen a doctor there) who was so busy typing on her computer that I gave up trying to tell my story mid-way through and she didn't notice. Just kept typing on her computer. So I waited until she asked what she wanted to know. She typed it all in her computer. Never touched me, hardly looked me in the eye. Told me what the computer said, got my prescription for a CT and left.

If this is going to be the case why can't we just do it by conference call and I will weigh myself and email it to her (honor system style)? Doctor's appointments via Skype.

I don't know if finding a new doctor's office will help, from stories I have heard they all seem like that.

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