Friday, February 25, 2011

I heart ink

The manfolk finally got some ink. he's been talking about it for more than a decade and finally did it.

Love it. He bleeds Texas and this is exactly what he wanted. We were on a patio drinking the other day and I told him it was time to do it. He called the guy who did mine last year and it was a go. Took a couple days of back and forth to get the design right and then, what better to do on a Tuesday night but get some ink and have some beer.

Awesome. I know his family (and my mother) hate it but I think it is fantastic.

I've never seriously dated anyone with ink. It's quite sexy. (I don't think that counts as NSFD but will put the label on here anyway - he can be quite delicate)

Plus it makes me want to get more.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Something Happy (by request)

A sweet friend of mine told me this afternoon that my last few posts are making him want to shoot himself so I needed to post something happy.

Something happy... I haven't strangled anyone this week.

Probably not what he was getting at.

Just like people are more likely to take the time to file a customer service complaint than a compliment - it is easier to blog when I am irritated or have something to passionately rant about.

Something happy. How about...

We had family dinner last night. I used to dread and rarely have family dinner at mom's. Now we do it a minimum of once a month. It is crazy, hectic and a lot of laughs. The littlest brother (and maid of honor) brought his girlfriend (who will eventually be his wife) and his roommate (one of the greatest people on the planet) to witness it all. The middle brother pretty much sits through it shaking his head.

My mom is a wonderful cook and extremely tolerant of our shenanigans. Last night's focus was the bachelorette party (a country hopping t-shirt boondoggle planned by the youngest), tattoos (the manfolk just got one the day before - post to follow about that), and some reminiscing about trips to jail and how people meet.

We are a good natured group and (in spite of her occasional weak objection to the fact) incredibly open with one another. I am sure it is overwhelming for an outsider, sometimes it can be overwhelming for us, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

It makes my heart smile.

How's that for happy?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


It is like everyone has lost their damn mind.

Conversations we just had seem to be forgotten. Common sense it out the window.

It is a full moon?

People are killing me.

I would like to go back to bed and start over or maybe just skip this day.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Get me the hell out of here...

I have spring fever. Have spent the afternoon planning long weekends and little getaways that seem completely necessary right now.

Remind me of that when I have no vacation days come October.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

150 Days to Go!

150 days left until the wedding!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Everyone should be in a better mood today. Turns out that most of the married people I know don't have sex very often (shoot me) and Valentines Day is one of those set few days each year that they usually do. So I have to figure they will a little more chipper (and some of them hung over) today.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Some people need a reminder

Sadly, it seems that some people NEED to have a day where they are forced to recognize the one they love (or at least the one they are with) romantically.

People ask what the manfolk and I are doing to celebrate. We really don't. I have mentioned before (see last year's post) that I'm not a fan of being told when to celebrate love -- but as I look around some people are scrambling, perhaps too stuck in the same old rut or taking things for granted each day, where they don't ever spontaneously buy a card/flowers/anything to let that other person know that they are thinking about them.

It is sad. Sad to me that others don't have what I do, also sad that I spent so long not having it in my other life. Proud of myself that I was willing to put everything on the line to find what I have now.

I tell the manfolk each day that I love and appreciate him and he does the same. Not out of any sense of obligation, but just because I mean it. He does a thousand little things (leaves me little notes, folds the laundry, makes my breakfast) each week that show me how much he cares -- and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Very interesting. Just discovered that I can view random stats of people who visit this page (kinda big brother, but incredibly intriguing).

More people are reading than I thought.


Very few of you comment, but it is good (I think) to know that someone is out there.

My little therapy group. HA!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I just don't know what to think about this picture.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mission Update #1

Forgot my water bottle the last two days because I took it home to clean it, but I've been doing pretty well with that.

Down 5.2 pounds since we started this shenanigan (two weeks). Good stuff. Would be better if the weather hadn't been keeping us from the gym and if I hadn't eaten myself stupid at the our friend's wedding festivities this weekend.

Have also decided to add to the mix the following challenge - walk 100 miles in the 150 days until the wedding. So I have an 8 day reprieve and then its on. I don't think it will be too tough.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Doc is (plugged) In

So a few weeks ago I went to the doctor over something weird that happened (thought my brain was malfunctioning - turns out that it is just normal malfunctions). I might as well have just consulted Web MD and then written myself a prescription for a CT scan.

I went in. Paid my $25 copay - which I had to pay again two days later if I wanted the results (they were holding them hostage). Sat with the nurse practitioner (been going to the same place for nearly 10 years, never actually seen a doctor there) who was so busy typing on her computer that I gave up trying to tell my story mid-way through and she didn't notice. Just kept typing on her computer. So I waited until she asked what she wanted to know. She typed it all in her computer. Never touched me, hardly looked me in the eye. Told me what the computer said, got my prescription for a CT and left.

If this is going to be the case why can't we just do it by conference call and I will weigh myself and email it to her (honor system style)? Doctor's appointments via Skype.

I don't know if finding a new doctor's office will help, from stories I have heard they all seem like that.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Scooter Store and the Fountain of Youth

My mom got a letter from the scooter store the other day - my middle brother and I giggled for a good 40 minutes. She says it is because she is old, we told her that doesn't happen until she turns 70 so she isn't allowed to call herself old until then. But really, the Scooter Store? A little premature for a woman with no medical issues except high blood pressure (which I am pretty sure my brothers did to her).

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Maid of Honor!!!

Happiest of Birthday to my littlest brother, favorite groundhog and rockin' maid of honor.

We weren't close for years, now we are and I can't imagine daily life without you.

Love you.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

One month down...

Update on the resolution status... I promised to try something new or go somewhere new each month. Here is what we have for January:

The Piggy Event -- definitely new, and from what the manfolk says, never to happen again.

Two new memorable restaurants -- Texas de Brazil (meat coma) and Yucatan Taco Stand (need to go back and try the margaritas)

Threw my first baby shower -- luckily the other two throwing the shower with me are pros so I basically was everyone's bitch which worked just fine for me. I can blow up some balloons with the best of 'em.

I got Iced -- something I hoped never to happen, but it did. For those of you who don't know what iced is: if someone gets you to take possession of a Smirnoff Ice (gross) you must get down on one knee and chug it within a minute. If not, more appear. It has become quite a trick to avoid them as they can be put in places such as gift bags, the dishwasher (bastards) or on top of a toilet seat (if you touch it it is yours, and if you really have to go it may be the lesser of two evils). And it was warm, double gross.

Went to a wedding in a castle -- even better, the castle was in a north Texas field surrounded by cows and horses. RANDOM.

I think that list pretty much satisfies January. With everything going on (we looked at the calendar last night, it is insane) this may be the easiest resolution ever.