Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My civic duty

Jury Duty

You would think with all of the advances in modern technology that they would have figured a way to streamline the whole jury duty process. I have noticed differences over the years (they scan a barcode instead of writing everything down, etc.) but it is still quite slow. And they do this all over the nation.

Required time to be there 0830. Didn't start anything until 0900, when we watched a video about the Facts and Fiction of serving on a jury. More rules and then they finally start assigning people at 0930ish. By 1015 I am the fourth to last name called and they tell me I am a reserve and I have to come back at 1330 (a 3 hour plus break after doing nothing). Luckily it is in Fort Worth and the manfolk wasn't busy so he was able to come down and meet me for lunch (UNO's Pizza - yum). At 1330 they make an announcement and tell you they don't need you yet and to sit. I played some Words With Friends until my phone died (stupid crappy iPhone battery) and then just gave up and took a nap. Around 1500 they had us switch chairs and wait some more. Then decided they didn't need us and gave me my $6 check and sent me on my way by 1600.

Colossal waste of time.

The only plus was some REALLY good people watching (and an awesome lunch date).

And not a single person checked my ID. I could have sent a bum in for me for less than I paid in parking.

Don't get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for our legal system. I have testified in federal court and seen the best of the system at work (story for later) but seriously. There were at least 40 of us who did jack shit today and it would seem that that type of waste could be engineered out of the process.

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