Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I was due...

Got my first speeding ticket in a decade last night. Deserved because I speed all of the time. Really sneaky the way it was set up, but what can you do. Part of the issue is that the town I got pulled over in (they have too much money) has put in roundabouts (fancy, and none of them use it right) and I had just transitioned from a 40mph road through the roundabout to a section of the next road about a 1/2 mile long that is only 30mph. I had maintained speed and got busted 13 mph over.

Sucks because there goes a small chunk of cash set aside for wedding things and fun, but that's how it goes. Sounds like this will be cheaper than my last one... In 2000 I was stopped by a State Trooper driving from Lubbock to Dallas and was clocked (I saw him first which saved me) going 25 miles over. Nearly had to sell a kidney to pay the fine on that one and he probably could have taken me to jail but didn't waste his time because we were in the middle of NOWHERE (which, anyone who has driven Lubbock to anywhere knows, is most of the drive.

Manfolk was kind enough to make a foursquare checkin at the place where I stopped (butthead). Hope never to be the mayor there.

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