Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My own mission

A good friend of mine asked me to be in her wedding in April, then we have ours on the beach in July. After ordering the dresses I have decided that it is time to be serious about getting rid of some weight.

So starting this past Monday I have scheduled with a friend to go at least twice a week for classes (it is easier when someone else goes too - accountability and guilt suck), dug the treadmill out of storage (happened naturally in the move but I actually plugged it in), promised the puppy we would start walking more and I am going to work on my food choices.

I love to eat - and I am a total bitch on a diet, so I promised not to do that to myself (or the manfolk). I am going to be choosier about what I eat but not starve or refuse myself stuff that makes me happy.

And increase my water intake. I suck at drinking water. Given a choice I would mainline diet coke with a side of coffee and sugar-free redbull. My Team at work has been helping me with this part for the last few weeks. 60 oz a day minimum and they hold me to it. I feel like I spend half of the day peeing, but whatever - it's good for me.

The goal is to lose 30 lbs by my wedding. Very do-able. If I starved myself I could do it by my friend's wedding in April. Going to weigh in each Monday to gauge how things are going. We shall see.

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