Friday, April 12, 2013

Negative Nancy

Looking over my last few posts and realizing how negative I sound. 

I'm relatively content (except for worry about the manfolk). 

We are in the hole a little financially because of the medical bills that have piled up and the sometimes fickleness of the manfolk's job. But it is manageable and we are buckling down to get it taken care of. 

I have a wonderful son that just makes me happy seeing his little face.  Ok, not so little, he is 99 percentile in height, weight and head size.  He's 9 months old and wearing 18-24 month sized clothing.   But he is stinkin cute and has taught me so much. 

I have two large dogs that are incredibly loyal and put up with all kinds of nonsense from the kid. 

The manfolk is a great dad.

My extended family is doing well and my job is something I enjoy (even though it can be stressful). 

I need to work on getting more sleep and eating better and taking care of myself, but other than that life is good. 

I have it so much better than so many others - it is just hard to sometimes keep it in perspective from day to day.

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