Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Control of my body

After #2 I believe we will be done having kids and I can work on getting my body back. It’s like a giant train wreck right now. I shook my head before at moms who said they wanted a ‘mom job’ from a plastic surgeon after they had their kids and now I can kind of understand (though I’m not to that point personally). Kids destroy your body. All of it, especially the parts that are used to sustain them (BOOBS!). The scale may say the same weight as before, but your body just isn’t right. It’s crazy. Celebrities are making us all look bad when they come out with a post baby body that looks like nothing happened just weeks after having a kiddo. Not everyone has a personal trainer, a chef and nannies (to watch the kid while you find time to work out) – killing me. Every spare minute I have that isn’t working is dedicated to seeing my kiddo, working out is the last thing on my mind.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Trying and trying again

Well, we like being parents so much we are striking out and trying again. The manfolk has always wanted “bookends” (because he and his brother are just 11 months apart and they benefited from it growing up) for his kids too. I’m excited about it, just worried about the financial aspect of it all (babies are expensive). And above all … trying is fun! Seriously, everyone should have as much sex as they can with the person they love all of the time. Trying for babies or not. I know men who only get lovins when they are trying to make babies and therefore they are willing to try to make babies. Sad stuff.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A day like any other

Valentines Day is just a day and it should be treated that way. People shouldn't have to be told to spend a day appreciating the people they love. Here is another take on it by one of my favorite sites of all time.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Bag of Money

I would like to go ahead and make a request... if you happen to have a bag of money lying around and you'd like someone to spend it for you go ahead and message me and I'll take care of it for you. Sheesh. Just when we get ahead, something else pops up.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Nothing but sad

So the same brother in law that pulled the crap on his kids right before Christmas has now decided that he should have let his ex get full custody because the kids are a "burden" Are you kidding me? They are kids. They require some maintenance. You knew that when you started this whole thing. And if you didn't you should have figured it out with the first one and not had three. And you only have them every other week. You only need to parent half of the time! He is lucky, they are healthy and beautiful and (when they have some structure and are getting some attention) really good kids. And yet... He has sunken so far into himself and his depression that it hurts to watch but he doesn't want to hear it. I am glad that my mother in law is helping with them, she may be overbearing at times but she has those kids best interest at heart and will do anything for them. But she is not their parent, and shouldn't be put in that position. Sad sad sad. As the new(ish) sister in law with a mere six months of parenting under my belt it is hard to know when it is my place to speak up. Thankfully my manfolk is on my side on this so we can vent together, but there is little we can do beyond that besides support the kids when we can.


Ever look down while you are in the bathroom and realize just how shabby your underwear is? I had a moment like that earlier today… my manfolk is a special person to find me sexy sometimes.