Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Some recommended political reading...

From one ant to another...

The Ant and the Grasshopper: Updated

I'm not generally political (in life or on blog) but I am one of those people who work for a living and hate the sense of entitlement that surrounds me each day.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy 65th Mom!!

And tonight... we shall bowl.

The birthday girl has requested that we bowl in her honor -- sure why not! We've rented some lanes, the middle brother is getting a cake, it should be fun.

Happy 65th birthday to a wonderful mother (and soon to be grandmother)!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy happy!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

When I was little...

This used to be the longest day of the year. I remember running with my brothers trying to wear ourselves out so we'd want to go to sleep earlier, listening with them after lights out to see if we could hear Santa, watching the I Love Lucy marathon on regular TV (no cable back then) just to make the time pass faster. Happy memories from a great childhood.

In college that changed when my folks split and Christmas Eve became Christmas With Dad - so we now essentially get two Christmases. Very cool for a Christmas buff like me, and in years past the one at dad's could provide fodder for a very dysfunctional Christmas movie (think Griswold but drunker and with more random people around).

Still haven't lost my pre-Christmas excitement. Love the feeling, love the season.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Longest. Week. Ever.

Have I mentioned that I am no good at waiting?

Holy crap.

Christmas plus still waiting to hear on the house - we are supposed to close next Wednesday but we are waiting on the seller to make some final repairs.

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Are we there yet?

Is it Christmas yet??

This has been the longest week on record. I think the company should have taken time off so everyone could mentally prepare themselves for the excitement.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

He got a name...

Everyone's favorite fertility god has a name now... Walter.

And he works like a charm!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

So, there I was walking the dogs...

And I had, what I feel, is an insightful thought about butt holes.

As we walk the dogs they find a spot and poop and pinch it off and move on. Quick. Not so dirty (unless you are the one following behind with a bag on your hand to scoop up the steaming product of their efforts)

Humans, however, have developed a protective wrapping (butt cheeks) for their anus that really just tends to inhibit the process and really doesn't seem nearly as hygienic as the system the dogs are working. They are comfortable for sitting on (mostly) but really they aren't very utilitarian.

I wonder if anyone has studied this at length.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

November Resolution Update

In an effort to see if this white girl could possibly have any rythym what so ever I took two dance classes. Hip Hop Booty Pop (confirming I'm lily white but given me a new found knowledge of exercises for my 'booty) and Zumba (fun, but again, I don't dance).

Little brother moved in with us - got married - moved out. Added a new dimension of happy craziness for the bulk of November.

Nothing super thrilling, but extraordinarily busy.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Don't worry...

BatShitCrazy is back on Facebook. Entertaining the world with her white trash baby daddy dramatic excellence.

She had some family drama the week of Thanksgiving and couldn't help herself.

Mom thinks we are mean for following her and talking about it and reveling in the craziness - We just tell her, if you are putting your drama out there for people to see, you have to expect it.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Who is the authority here?

So as the holidays roll around and Christmas music permeates the air (LOVE) something bugs me. One particular song is thrown into the Christmas mix each year and I disagree with the fact that it is a Christmas song. Someone please explain?

My Favorite Things - as sung by Julie Andrews in Sound of Music (love that movie, have it on VHS)

Just because it mentions sleigh bells (which were most likely common in Austria at the time during the entire winter) doesn't make it a Christmas song. A winter song - yes. Christmas - notsomuch

Who decided it fits? I'd really like to debate this with them.