Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Sometimes I think I'm the funniest person on the planet. I've mentioned drama with my dad previously and he and I don't really talk that much.

But every time I see one of the roadside billboards lit up with MISSING ELDERLY message (known in some areas as a "Golden Alert" or in Florida as a "Silver Alert" - stupid sounding but whatever) I have to call him. Don't care what time it is on what day, he gets a call.

I have to make sure he knows where he thinks he is.

It's the little things in life.

Monday, September 19, 2011


It's international TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'm a damn genius

Remember the red flags I talked about and mentioned that people tend to ignore?

I'm one of those people.

We all are - but I have proof that I'm an idiot because I wrote about it and still didn't pay attention.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hiring Women

I've always preferred to work with guys. Usually you can have a heated arguement regarding business with a male and then 10 minutes later it's over and you move on to football. With women everything is personal. Just about everyone I've ever hired is male.

I inherited a team of women (and hired one guy into the mix). Last year two of my seven employees had babies so I was basically working short handed for half of the year. They had paid time off and I struggled - at least that was my opinion at the time.

Now that I am considering kiddos of my own I refuse to let anyone (ok maybe one person) that I work with know and certainly not the folks I work for. Sadly, I think it would be career limiting (at least in the short term).

Change of perspective for me - it's interesting.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Don't judge me...

But I am sitting here listening to Christmas music.

It makes me happy.

Yeah Christmas! The temperatures have dipped below 100 - the first sign that fall is on the way. Fall, Football, Hockey, Christmas - happy!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

T-shirts are important dammit

Have had a couple inquiries about 'The T-Shirt Mission'

Which shirts have you gotten?
Key West (Feb 2009)
Orlando (Sept 2009)
Nashville (June 2011)
New Orleans (Aug 2011)
LuLu's (Aug 2011)

Lately they have been opening them faster than we can get there. Especially the Canadian ones. Over the past year we have had two big trips that we planned to get additional ones (including my original Bachelorette party) that were cancelled due to outside influences. Apparently planning in advance doesn't work for us so we've resorted to last minute shenanigans.

Dennis is the only person besides the two of us (LittleBro and I) that has a guaranteed invitation to go on the adventure. Everyone else is chosen based on what is going on at the time. When I went cruising last year I had a shot at four others in a matter of days, but couldn't do it because LittleBro wasn't there - that would have been breaking the rules.

The goal is - once we get all of them - to have my mom make us each a t-shirt quilt with pieces from each of them. We are quite particular about what the shirt looks like and how the graphics are done and where it says the name of the city that we are in. It is a science really.

With the possibilities of babies in the future we have kicked around some strategies of when and where we need to go before that all happens.

One big random adventure. That's how we roll.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

International Bacon Day

I'm celebrating... how about you? I think I shall go on a bacon cooking extravaganza - we got a bunch of good recipes from the Beer and Bacon Shower - It's time to whip them out.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

August Resolution Update

Updated adventures for the month of August...

For the middle brother's belated 30th birthday our baby brother and I took him (and our significant others) on one of our famous random adventures. We were originally going to try Padre, but there was a fishing tournament in town that interfered. We decided on the following (and managed to work two of our t-shirts from our mission into the whole thing*):
Fly to New Orleans
Drive to the ferry in Mississippi and float to Alabama
Go to LuLu's (Jimmy Buffett's sister's place in Gulf Shores)
Stay in Mobile (because when are you ever really going to do that in your life)
Drive back to New Orleans
Spend the day in the French Quarter
Fly home.

It was a busy, but fun, 40 hour trip. Tried new places, tried new beverages, had a random adventure good time.

Fired an intern. Ugh

First Fantasy Football Draft. We shall see how I do. A lot of picking was absolutely guess work (and one was because I got over exuberant with the draft button).

*there has been an adjustment to the rules of the mission. Dennis no longer has to be present. We just couldn't get the scheduling right and he bowed out. So LittleBro and I are the essential components and so far we've had someone different with us each time.