Friday, December 31, 2010

Sometimes you CAN choose your family

We have friends that are just like family. I am realizing it more and more as we go through the wedding preparations, even just the guest list.

Our immediate family is on there, then some folks that we have been asked by family to invite (extended family) - but we find it mostly populated with friends who we consider just like family.

Friends who know more about us than our family (with the exception of my little brother, we share far too much). People we have grown up with and who have been with us through good and bad - times when, perhaps, biological family would have bailed. People who have been like family when family hasn't.

It is a good mix, and a wonderful feeling to know that these people are out there and that they have been around for so long and mean so much.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


200 days until thewedding!

I know it sounds like a long time but I am pretty sure that it will fly right by.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Final Weigh In

Oh I didn't win. I didn't even get third. But I didn't gain weight (down 5ish overall)

Maybe I can convince them to do it again now that I will be fully motivated in the new year to get into my wedding dress.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!!

Happy happy birthday to my mom (who doesn't know what a blog is and won't be reading this).

Don't know what I would ever do without you.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

Good luck Santa

Since a good hunk of my job is aviation safety related this makes me giggle. I'm a dork, but I'm ok with it.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Eve

Woo hoo!

Beside being the best time of the year to be at work (no one is here, no meetings, very productive) they are letting us out early this year!

I have presents to wrap, dogs to wash, possibly some cookies to bake ...

All the wonderful things that make up the Christmas season.

Plus I'll be spending time with the manfolk and family.

Just. Awesome.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Turtle Christmas

The manfolk sucks at keeping gifts until the day they are supposed to be given. Often it works out for me because he feels the need to go out and get another one to replace the one he couldn't wait to give so I have something for 'the day'.

Well... you know I love turtles, and you know I love Christmas. He managed to find a turtle Christmas t-shirt for me. I'm wearing it today because it just seemed fitting to get it to me before Christmas.

He's good.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tis the Season

I love Christmas.

A lot.

It is my favorite time of the year. People are happier (unless you are in Walmart), it is fun to buy meaningful gifts for people, people generally are more giving (unless you are in Walmart), and the decorations make my heart happy.

Not really a religious person, but I think the holiday season is bigger than that. A little to commercial sometimes, but generally brings out the best in people (unless you are in Walmart or the mall parking lot).

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Just when everything was rolling...

Picked a date for the wedding, put down a deposit, bought plane tickets, paid for dog surgery, about to sign on a slightly bigger place to live... lots of money out the door in the last few weeks.

So of course the manfolk got laid off this morning. Apparently their team was too efficient and got their project done, so the company is restructuring and no longer has a need for them. WTF? You did your job too well so now you are unemployed?

Plus they told him this morning and said his last day would be Friday. What company does that? Aren't you setting yourself off for a pissed of employee to sabotage you?

On another note, as much as my people make me crazy I am extremely lucky to have a stable job that I enjoy (except for the days where I want to strangle someone).

Monday, December 13, 2010


July 17, 2011

Gettin' hitched.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Money Pit

I used to make fun of people who spent thousands of dollars on their pets.

I no longer do.

I am now one of those people.

My poor Tankdog had bladder stones and we forked out whatever it took to make him better. Anything it took. In this case, more than half the wedding budget.

I love my dogs.

It was worth every penny.

Dogs are better than humans most of the time. This one is better than most.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I have figured out women

I should probably charge for this, but I have figured out women.

they need the following:

1. good sex
2. a good listener
3. help around the house
4. to be worshipped

Now, this worship doesn't have to be in the form of ancient greek idol worship with sacrifices and such, just little presents, verbal affirmation and your man telling the world that you are his trophy (even if you have been married for 18 years). I mentioned in February that if every day were valentines day people would get laid a lot more often. That is because Hallmark has set aside that day for a woman to be treated like a queen - and it works. Imagine if you did that for no reason once in a while or once a week.

I'm lucky my manfolk knows this stuff.

We have a lot of sex.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Movin' on up

I mentioned the other day that we had to find a place to live. It is actually the same apartment complex that we are currently in.

In July the manfolk moved into my tiny (just over 700 sq ft) one bedroom apartment with me. It has been good, we don't drive each other crazy yet, just need a little more space. Especially since it is two people over 6 foot tall and two dogs over 60 lbs each.

Since my lease is up in January and we want to save money to eventually buy something of our own we were looking to stay in the same price area and just go a little bit bigger. Now, I don't negotiate, but the manfolk does. He tried, they said no, I turned in my 60 day move out notice.

They promptly called a day later with a better deal than we had asked for on a place just two buildings away.

Apartment price jacking. I don't get it. Punish the people for staying until they call your bluff?? Good people who aren't trashy (like some of my neighbors) and actually pay their rent on time. I don't get it.

Oh well, it worked out in the end and we have a place that is finally our place to move into next month.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wedding Flashback

We went to a wedding the other night. It was an old friend of the manfolk that he has seen twice in 5 years. We didn't know anyone there except their mutual ex-boss and his wife. Not a big deal.

Walked into this gaudy catholic church and flashbacks of my first wedding nearly sucked the breath out of me. The whole thing. I was struck absolutely by everything around, it was just too much like my first. I couldn't speak.

Let me tell you a little about my first... I basically just showed up. The ex (he is catholic) picked the church and my stepmonster (she knows we call her that and thinks it is great) picket the rest. I basically got a dress and showed up. I tried to pick some stuff, but I would be overruled by the stepmonster with the purse strings. So I gave up and went along. No biggy. It was beautiful, incredibly overdone and not really me at all, but beautiful and traditional.

It was amazing to me that the other day, just weeks from getting engaged to a wonderful manfolk that I desperately want to marry, I could be so disillusioned just by walking into a situation like my old one.

I am not terribly good with words and I am at a loss at the moment to explain the impact just walking in had on me. The absolute desire to run away.

Oh and the bride's parents obviously spent a HUGE amount of money on this fancy Dallas social-ite wedding and she pretty much threw it completely off track with a sparkly dress that had her tits hanging out of it. If we had stayed long at the reception I would have taken bets on which song would have made her bounce out of her dress.