Monday, February 8, 2010


So there seems to be a clear division in the blogging world. Those who have been around for awhile (the 'originals') and those who have picked it up in the last few years ('newbies'). There is a vast difference in style and content.

The originals seem to be more of a perverted family. It is mostly anonymous (or started out that way) blogging about life, thoughts, memories and then a lot of sex. Almost every old school blogger I read or have met uses it as a sexual outlet and a way to meet others that do the same.

Newbies seem to be more like the 'Julie and Julia' type. They pick a topic (family, cooking, books, whatever...) and that is their focus. Doesn't seem to be as much of the deep life pouring out stuff.

Maybe it is all a product of Twitter. I dunno. Just an observation.

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