Thursday, January 21, 2010

Genetic question

So the other day a friend brought her little one up to work and as I was holding the infant someone walked by and began oohing and aahing. In the course of the flood of compliments that usually occur during such an exchange the lady said "He is just too adorable, he has your nose." My friend said "Thank you" and the lady was on her way.

It wasn't until a few minutes later, after studying the child for a bit, that I realized (but didn't say) my friend with the baby had had a nose job a few years back.

This got me to thinking... you hate something about yourself, your body, so much that you have surgery to correct it and yet you are ok with (and even proud of) passing those genes along to this unknowing little one who doesn't have any idea (and neither does her husband I may add).

What is selfish? Wanting someone in your likeness or wanting someone in the likeness you had that you hated?

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