Monday, January 25, 2010


I am re-learning patience.

After getting out of a 12 year relationship with someone who was pretty controlling (figured that out after the fact) I have had about an eight month streak of "all about me" time. What makes me happy, what makes me laugh, money be damned I have been doing what I want to do (thank you amex).

Well, now I have found someone. Care about him more than I thought possible. Teddy bear of a sweetheart that he hides from most people and the type would sacrifice anything for his friends.

But he is older, set in his ways, has a stubborn streak that I can't hold a candle too - all of these things I love about him in some weird way. The one issue that I am running into is the fact that he has been seriously hurt before by others that he loved. I used to think that I had my walls up, but again - I've got nuthin'. Its like damn Fort Knox to get into his head some days.

So as I have grown to love him more and more and spend time with him I have found myself having to learn the art of patience. Step out of my selfish streak and resist the urge to bolt when he starts acting like a closed off butthead. Waiting is another thing I am not good at, but I am learning to wait until he is ready to share (which eventually happens).

I am still learning and hope that my stubborn streak will keep me around long enough to beat him into submission. ;)

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