Friday, January 29, 2010

Uncle Sam...

Well.. apparently there is another perk to divorcing your sugar daddy... you actually get a tax refund. WOO HOO.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


There is just something about getting flowers. Especially at work. Especially if they are hand delivered.

Request for time...

Decided that there aren't enough hours in the day. So, since the Technology Department seems to run this company most of the time I think I will put in a requisition for additional time.

Pretty sure they will want to hold a meeting to discuss it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

One of the cardinal rules...

Never have sex with the intern.

and I mean NEVER

Why don't people listen?

Monday, January 25, 2010


I am re-learning patience.

After getting out of a 12 year relationship with someone who was pretty controlling (figured that out after the fact) I have had about an eight month streak of "all about me" time. What makes me happy, what makes me laugh, money be damned I have been doing what I want to do (thank you amex).

Well, now I have found someone. Care about him more than I thought possible. Teddy bear of a sweetheart that he hides from most people and the type would sacrifice anything for his friends.

But he is older, set in his ways, has a stubborn streak that I can't hold a candle too - all of these things I love about him in some weird way. The one issue that I am running into is the fact that he has been seriously hurt before by others that he loved. I used to think that I had my walls up, but again - I've got nuthin'. Its like damn Fort Knox to get into his head some days.

So as I have grown to love him more and more and spend time with him I have found myself having to learn the art of patience. Step out of my selfish streak and resist the urge to bolt when he starts acting like a closed off butthead. Waiting is another thing I am not good at, but I am learning to wait until he is ready to share (which eventually happens).

I am still learning and hope that my stubborn streak will keep me around long enough to beat him into submission. ;)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Genetic question

So the other day a friend brought her little one up to work and as I was holding the infant someone walked by and began oohing and aahing. In the course of the flood of compliments that usually occur during such an exchange the lady said "He is just too adorable, he has your nose." My friend said "Thank you" and the lady was on her way.

It wasn't until a few minutes later, after studying the child for a bit, that I realized (but didn't say) my friend with the baby had had a nose job a few years back.

This got me to thinking... you hate something about yourself, your body, so much that you have surgery to correct it and yet you are ok with (and even proud of) passing those genes along to this unknowing little one who doesn't have any idea (and neither does her husband I may add).

What is selfish? Wanting someone in your likeness or wanting someone in the likeness you had that you hated?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Why is it so much easier to share in a blog, where anyone could read it, than it is to share with a loved one. Potential judgement? Putting yourself out there to strangers would seem more difficult but for so many bloggers I have read it doesn't seem so.

And the anonymous ones, I bet spouses, family and significant others would be completely surprised by the insight provided by reading someone's blog. Even if it is just a blog of pictures they like or places to shop or tv show quotes.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Ugh... Uggs

Just came back from Colorado where it was cold enough for people to justify wearing furry (if dumb looking) boots, but I didn't see them anywhere. Come back to Texas and they are everywhere. It is 50 something degrees out and people are wearing them (occasionally with tank tops). Seriously?

Friday, January 15, 2010

The "To Do List"

There is just something about getting things crossed off your to do list. Even if it is little things that take nearly no time.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Winter wonderland...

Excellent vacation. Don't know how people live in that weather sometimes, but they probably say the same about us when it is 112 degrees in August.

Some things I learned... 1. snowmobiling makes you sore in weird places 2. altitude is a bitch 3. there is a certain point where the snow is too deep for a snow angel and there is no way to gracefully preserve it when you try to get up.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A good thing...

A good thing about this blogging stuff is that it is on your own timeline and completely personal. I can go on vacation (which I am fixin' to do) and not worry that my blog is unattended. Not that anyone is reading it... but still.

Hump day

I am looking back at my first few posts and realized that I don't sound like a very happy person. That isn't it at all. I have a good job a good life and my health. I'm really not an all time grump. Promise.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

From a friend...

Is one enough?

Can you take a someone who has been single or a serial dater and ever be enough for them? Or will the constant competition from faceless others met online or ex-lovers just drive you mad?

If you date someone who has cheated is there any hope they won't do it again?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Let's try this out...

Ok. I have a friend (actually more than a friend but that is neither here nor there) that says that blogging is better than therapy. So I have decided to give it a try.