Thursday, July 29, 2010

The 'Other Side'

Ever get the feeling that all of your friends have chosen the 'other side'?

Needed someone to talk to... the manfolk was at work, my usual two confidants were out with an ex who won't be in the same room with me because I 'crushed his heart', my longest term girlfriends are friends with the exhusband so it feels like everything said these days is guarded and measured, a lot of my newer friends that I have gotten close to are really the manfolk's friends that I am getting to know (their loyalties are firmly aligned - he could have sex with a bunch of midget clown hookers and they would protect him to the death to make sure I never found out), just really didn't know where I could go where people didn't have loyalties on the 'other side' of my relationships (or former relationships) and it was kind of sucky and a little scary.

I always have my brother but by time he wasn't busy moving his woman's furniture into storage I didn't want to talk to anyone but the dog.

Thank god for the dog.

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