Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fat sack of awkward

So, my parents have been divorced for 12 years or so and my mom has an incredibly strong (and completely justified) hatred of my dad (more stories for later).

Last night the manfolk and I pick mom up from the airport and she offers to take us to dinner. We head over to the local Outback and are joking with the bartender that the coast was clear because my dad* doesn't ever come in there anymore.

Side note: He used to pretty much live on a barstool there, even had his name on it, until one day he got wasted and made a scene and the proprietor told him not to bother coming in anymore (pretty sure he was selectively paying his bar tabs at that time as well). Since then the proprietor has changed and he shows up occasionally, but has pretty much moved to a new hangount.

Back to last night, half way through our meal guess who wanders by the table - stepmonster. She doesn't see my mom at first and makes pleasantries about stopping back by after running to the restroom. Guess it set in while she was in the ladies room because she didn't pause on her way back. So we sat the rest of the night at our table with dad and his wife at the bar facing directly at us. The bartender even put up some homemade caution tape around our booth to keep 'unwanted persons' out (she really earned her tip from my mom).

It was a big bag of awkward. Everyone stayed apart and we waved to dad on the way out. Didn't stop us from having a good meal and conversation though.

Dad was kind enough to call me this afternoon to remind me how awkward it was. Thanks Old Man.

Ugh. Mom and dad have seen each other maybe six times since they got divorced (my wedding was half of those and the other half have been in the last 8 months - twice at Outback).

*the fact that he is my father remains to be proven. I asked my mom for years for Christmas if she would just tell me who my real father was, because he is such an a-hole so often and does the most off the wall things - I figure there is no way I am related to him. She stands by it, but I dunno.

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