Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Farwell Dear Master,

A good friend sent us this and I thought I would share.

Farwell, Dear Master,

You have been my teacher, my friend and most beloved companion. I was like your child, totally dependent on you for all my needs. But I never grew up or moved away as children do. I just grew to love and need you more each day, each month, each year.

I never went hungry because you fed me dinner and gave me water every day. When the weather was bad I found comfort in the warmth and safety of your house. I delighted you by learning tricks, but what you may not have realized is that I loved learning from you because I lived to please you.

The touch of your hand stroking my fur made my life worthwhile. Although I barked at noises in the night, the postman’s footsteps, and the ringing of the doorbell; the voice of my master was the one sound that I cherished most.

Your moods became my moods. When you were sad or lonely, I nuzzled closer to comfort you. There were times you became upset with me because I soiled the carpet, chewed on a piece of furniture, or barked too much. But do not feel bad about those times when you scolded me. I needed to learn right from wrong, and I always understood when things weren’t going your way or when you’d had an unpleasant day at work.

There is no need to harbor guilt or remorse on my behalf. You loved me and blessed me with more happiness than most animals will ever know. Instead of wondering what you could have done differently, remember the funny things I did and the happy times we enjoyed together.

Though it is hard for you to understand, I was ready to pass on from this life. Our time together was short, but if we’d had fifty years together, you still would not have been ready from me to leave.

So please, master, share your life with others. Do not refuse the opportunity to give another lucky pet the love you have given me. No animal will ever take my place in you heart, but there is another one who needs you and who will grow to love you as much as I did.

I am now at peace and I no loner feel pain. You gave me a wonderful home and a happy existence on this earth.

So please be happy – go on with your life and give your love to others. Although I no longer share your world, I will always live in your heart and you in mine.

Farewell, Dear Master

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


We had to put down our sweet dog on Saturday. After ten years of wonderful friendship and companionship. It was the best choice for him, his liver was failing and he had cancer. He hadn’t been the same for the last few months, but it was still impossible to let him go. I still cry (I’m crying now). The manfolk and I are both devastated. I think our other pup is just confused. It’s amazing how much an animal can mean to you and affect you each day. There is a hole in our home.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cravings and not

Cravings so far…

Apple juice (haven’t really drank it since I was a kid)

Werther’s Hard Candy (again, something my grandmother used to keep around the house but I haven’t had in years)

Things that haven’t sounded good…

Mexican food (which is odd because previously I could have eaten it twice a day)

Happily The Nugget is still a fan of bacon. That’s how I know it’s my child.

Friday, February 10, 2012


So I feel very obviously pregnant. Wearing maternity clothes and for those jeans I haven’t been able to give up yet I have one of those Bella Bands(I bought the Target version but you get the point). The doc said nothing tight around the waist so that rules out everything but maternity clothes. Even though I haven’t gained any weight, it has all definitely moved to the middle (not that I was super skinny there before).

Someone asked me yesterday, while looking at me, if I was showing yet. I had to say – “Well, I guess not if you can’t tell”. No big deal, but when I can look down and see my belly when I’m sitting, I definitely think I’m showing. Just kinda makes me feel like I’m walking around looking like a cow.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


We have reached the four month mark of the pregnancy. Work has been told, it was announced to Facebook and the word is out. Whew. It sucks holding back something that exciting.

We are due in July and not finding out if it is a boy or girl. It has been affectionately nicknamed The Nugget and the name seems to have stuck.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Getting Settled

Things are finally settling down at work and at home from the move. Although the work space is temporary and we will have to move again in about a month, it isn’t going to be nearly as much of a culture shock as it was this go round (people losing offices, new style of furniture, etc.).

Finally back to my regularly scheduled life.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


We’ve decided to take a pre-baby vacation (thanks to the manfolk’s second job and our tax refund).

About two weeks we found a fantastic deal on a cruise so we booked it. We leave Monday. SO. FREAKIN. EXCITED.

Bahamas and Key West here we come!

Just like last time
we didn’t pre-pick our room and went for the crapshoot that is the cruise room lottery. We made it to the Empress Deck (level 7 for you non cruisers) and are thrilled (would have been on level 1 if we had chosen in advance).

Quite excellent.

Neither of us have spent any time in the Bahamas and the manfolk has never been to Key West (I have some very happy memories of the place from an adventure in 2009) and I am just thrilled.

Religious Music

religion: a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons

Something random about me...

If you were to search my iTunes you would see that anything by Jimmy Buffett is categorized by Religious. I believe it fits the above definition and is much less likely to cause war than most religious beliefs out there.