Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The power of touch

I'm not a touchy feely person. At all. Growing up I was always so much taller than everyone I thought that hugs were awkward.

The manfolk is sick. Like can't be five feet from the toilet without being in danger of destroying the carpet sick (sorry honey, but it's true). So we have been trying our best to keep a 3' distance from each other and he is hosing the house down with Lysol after he touches anything.

We normally cuddle every night. Never thought much of it, just know that it's my favorite part of the day. I've been without cuddles and kisses for three nights and it has affected me. I was laying awake last night and realized just how much having someone in your life to touch impacts how you feel. It's amazing. I've always considered myself not very touchy (even my co-workers know I'm not a hugger and I work for a huggy company) so it was an odd revelation.

Anyway, I miss touching very much and hope he gets better soon.

And I miss the sex too. Difficult to go from every other day to not at all, but that's not the point of this post.

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