Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mission Update #2


Weight update: I am up 2 pounds since the last update. Perhaps having to admit that terrible fact to you guys will help me get my butt in gear. Have been making it to the gym at least twice a week, so that is going well - I can see little changes in the fit of my clothes but the weight just isn't sliding off like it should be. Apparently the issue is that I like to eat crap.

Water intake update: except the days I take the bottle home to wash it I am doing quite well. Two minimum, that third one is sometimes a stretch.

Mileage update: Started just under two weeks ago and already at 12.2 recorded miles. Good stuff. The puppy appreciates it as well. It helps that I walked to one of our favorite margarita places the other day (.8 miles) and over to my mom's (1.97 miles) for dinner. It really isn't too bad, just have to stick with it. I'm trying to convince the manfolk that he should join in, stuff like that is just easier when you have a partner in crime.

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